Valeria Grigopryeva Valeria Grigopryeva

Teaching Practice 6
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will find out about Past form of the verb 'to be' and its usage in positive and negative sentences. Moreover, students will try to use past form of the verb 'to be' while improving their speaking skills in the context of past states and facts.


Abc PPT "Past Simple (be) - positive and negative"
Abc Past and Present Sentences
Abc Past Simple (be) - positive and negative table
Abc Sentences - pronunciation clarification
Abc Controlled practice - ex. 1
Abc Controlled practice - ex. 2
Abc Freer practice - profile cards

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practise the past form of the verb 'to be' in the context of personal facts from the past

Subsidiary Aims

  • to practise the usage of the past form of the verb 'to be' in speaking (working in pairs, mini groups and as a whole class) in order to improve both students' accuracy and fluency


Warmer (5-7 minutes) • to activate students' background knowledge and involve them into the topic

T shows Ss the picture of herself nowadays and in her childhood. T asks Ss to discuss in pairs how they can describe the pictures, then elicits the words (e.g. young, tall, beautiful, short etc.). After that T explains that one photo is from Present, and another one is from Past. T asks Ss to come to the table, look at different sentences and match them either with the Present picture or the Past one. Then T points out to IS and WAS, asks Ss the question (while pointing to sentences about the past): Is it about Past or Present (Past) in order to introduce the grammar.

Grammar - meaning and form clarification stage (5-7 minutes) • to clarify the usage and the form of TL in order to practise further

T says that Ss will read the story about T's life. Ss are to read it individually and then fill in the grammar table. T asks Ss to come to the board and write down their answers, then check as a WCFB.

Grammar - pronunciation stage (5-7 minutes) • to point out pronunciation features of the verb 'to be' in positive and negative sentences for the Ss to sound more natural when speaking

T shows Ss the sentence and asks them to read, after that T models correct pronunciation and drill it together with the students. After that T asks Ss to work in pairs and read the sentences out loud to each other. Then T asks Ss randomly to read this or that sentences. T corrects the mistakes if necessary.

Grammar - Controlled practice (10-12 minutes) • to drill the form and the usage of the verb 'to be' and ensure Ss accuracy

T asks Ss to work individually and do ex. 1 (choosing 1 variant out of 2). T sets the time limit (3 minutes) and T is monitoring. While monitoring, T asks Ss to come to the board and underline the word they've chosen. After that T checks the answers as a WCFB, paying attention to mistakes if there are any. After that T divides Ss into different pairs using laces. T asks Ss to come to her and drag the end of the lace. If Ss take the same lace, they work together. T asks Ss to read the text and fill in the gaps either with WAS or WERE forms. Ss are to work in pairs in order to help each other. After that T asks Ss to check the answers in groups of 4, then T check as WC, explaining the mistakes if there are any.

Semi-controlled practice (5-5 minutes) • to facilitate the usage of the verb "to be" in their further speaking task, make the topic more personalized

T shows PPT where it says "10 years ago I was...". Firstly T models the story and writes the information down on the board for the Ss to use this prompt later. After that, T asks Ss to work in pairs first and speak about their past, then T forms the groups of 4 in order to exchange the information.

Freer practice stage (7-10 minutes) • to give Ss a chance to practice the usage of the verb 'to be' while speaking, to ensure their fluency

T asks Ss to fill in the profile forms with true information about them in 2000. After that T models the activity asking for a volunteer. Ss are to mingle, ask each other: Can you tell me about yourself in 2000? (the phrase must be written on the board) and find the person whose Profile Card they have. As soon as they are ready, T asks Ss to work in groups of 4 and tell their partners about the card they have. e.g. Fatma 2000, she was...

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