Nick Rees Nick Rees

B2 level


T5pzlmqxqp66sptdc9aa doc12006620160624110019 HO2

Main Aims

  • To provide detailed and gist listening practice for accuracy in the context of music

Subsidiary Aims

  • Speaking for fluency in the context of music


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • Set the context, elicit vocabulary

Lead in with reviewing students about what they learned in their music lesson. Then begin the warmer. Divide students into two teams, each team Selects a representative. The representative is to write adjectives on the board that their team calls out. Demo with a single song. Went to single song is done, clarify that they can no longer use the same adjective again. The team with the most original adjectives wins. Have them sit down, and ask which song was their favorite. Which song was their least favorite?

Pre-listening: (0-1 minutes) • Have students produce vocabulary that anticipates the listening

lead into the listening activity by giving a 30 sec 1 minute discussion over "why do we listen to music?" Pair discussion.

Dictogloss (7-9 minutes) • Students listen for accuracy in the context of music

First directions, then handout, then listening activity. Directions are that "this is not a normal listening activity. We are going to listen once. Only once. How many times? Just once. Complete the sentences on the handout. Listen for the key phrases that are on the handout." Once the listening activity is over, have students reproduce the listening in written form. This is peer work, then they complete the task as a larger group to assemble mega text.

Dictogloss 1 Feedback (3-5 minutes) • Students field listening techniques in order to improve

Transcription of the listening goes on OHP, zoom in for the purpose of clarity. Allow students a moment to read over the text. Then ask "What did you miss? Why did you miss it?" Relate to students that this means that you have good listening techniques. Allow students to share their listening techniques in pairs.

Pre-listening 2, Instructions for Dictogloss 2 (1-3 minutes) • Have students predict vocabulary for the next listening, produce listening goal

quickly in pairs, "how does music make us feel sad or happy? " "We are going to do another listening activity. This time, I want you to use some of the techniques we discussed with the last activity. This listening is more difficult, but this time I want you to be even more accurate. " Are we going to become better listeners? Are we going to become more accurate listeners?

dictogloss 2 (5-7 minutes) • Listen for accuracy

Distribute HO, play listening. Then assmeble larger text pairs. Build mega text in different groups from the last groups.

Post listening 2 (3-5 minutes) • Check for demonstrated improvement

transcript on OHP. "What did you miss? Why did you miss it? How did you improve? Did anyone do anything new?"

Optional vocabulary activity (3-5 minutes) • Cover tolerated ambiguity from the listening

Distribute HO2 early, demo a definition of a word. Have students make up definitions for unknown words off the model. Whole class feedback the correct definitions. WCFB.

Speed dating (5-10 minutes) • Speaking for fluency in the context of music

Divide the class into speed dating arrangement, have seats placed in their spots. Pull another student or pull a teacher for odd number issues. Demo the switch. "Your task is to find out who you most want to go to a concert with. " ICQ. Distribute handouts, and begin. ICQ: "is it important to answer all the questions? are you both asking questions or just one of you?" Monitor carefully in order to pick up mistakes in speaking fluency. Have students return to a normal seating arrangement, and WCFB any and all errors, paying special attention to articles. WCFB via drilling, beats, mouth-drilling.

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