Rania Omar Rania Omar

TP5. Law and Order
Intermediate (B1) level


In this lesson, students will read a text passage about robots. The lesson refers to a short story written by a science fiction writer called Isaac Asimov. This story was made a film. The short story and the film state that Robots must follow three rules to save human being.


Main Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about law and order in the context of the laws of robotics

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a debate in the context of the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence.
  • To provide clarification of the words robotics, ethics coin as a verb and vice-versa.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T: Greets the students and asks them whether they watched or read any books or movies about robots. Ss: (In pairs) Discuss the question for one minute. T: Asks for a WC feedback T: Asks the students to watch the video and to tell her what they find. T: Plays the video for the students to watch. Ss: Talks about the video.

Pre-Reading (6-8 minutes) • To pre-teach the words robotics, ethics, coin and vice-versa.

T. Shows the students the jumbled word of "coin" and asks them to come up with a word out of it. Ss. (Individually) Should come up with a word and say whether it has a meaning. T. Elicits the meaning of the word from the students by asking them - what word did you find? - what does it mean? - if it does not have a meaning, can you give it one? - what do you call this? T. Asks CCQs like - give a word that has the same meaning with coin - Is anybody able to coin words? - who can coin words? - is it a verb or a noun? regular or irregular T: Shows the students "vice-versa" and asks them how they can read it Ss: reads the word and try to guess the meaning T: Asks CCQs like - I catch the metro from Sisli to Levent and______________ - can you give a synonym for vice-versa? T: Shows the list of good traits, elicits the word "ethics" and asks CCQs like - is ethics a good or a bad thing? - is it sth you can study? - Do you respect people with ethics? T: writes on the board words like politics, economics, physics and elicits the lexical set T: Shows the students the definition and elicits the word. T: Asks CCQs like - is robotics a science? - what does it study?

While-Reading/gist reading (3-5 minutes) • To skim the reading text for a gist

T: Shows the students the HO and asks them to read for 1 minute and try to find the answer for the two questions. Ss: (Individually) skim the text and answer the two question Ss: Check in pairs T: gets a feedback from the WC.

While-Reading/ reading for details (10-15 minutes) • To read the text intensively and find details

T: seats the students in three groups and shows them the HO and asks them to read again but now for five minutes and decide which statements are true or false. Ss: read the text and in their groups try to answer the questions Ss: discuss their answers T: asks students to mingle in order to check each others' answers and gives them the answer key as a feedback.

Post-Reading/ Speaking (10-12 minutes) • To provide fluency on the topic they just read about

T: Asks the students to sit in groups again and try to think of three advantages and three disadvantages of artificial intelligence and discuss how it can affect them. Ss: Discuss in groups T: monitors and takes notes for delayed error correction Ss: give a feedback for each group T: shows errors on the board and elicits their corrections.

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