Valeria Grigopryeva Valeria Grigopryeva

Teaching Practice 5
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will learn and drill new vocabulary set, related to "Rooms and things in a house" topic.Later during the lesson they will use new words in order to practise their speaking skills as well.


Abc PPP "Rooms and things in a house"
Abc Matching activity (adapted)
Abc Crossword
Abc Rooms cards
Abc "Furniture" pronunciation task

Main Aims

  • to introduce and drill new vocabulary set related to "Room and things in a house" topic in order to make the students be able to use these words and constructions in every day situations (both written and speaking speech).

Subsidiary Aims

  • to improve students' speaking skills and confidence by means of introducing new vocabulary into their active knowledge and usage.


Warmer (7-7 minutes) • to set the context and revise grammar constructions There is / There are taken at a previous lesson

T shows the picture of the classroom and elicits this information from Ss. What is it? (a classroom) Then T elicits the names of some items Ss can see in the picture (by pointing): e.g. a table, a chair, a board, a computer, a teacher (people). After that T makes up two sentences about the classroom using There is / There are constructions. One sentence is True, one sentence is False. Ss are to figure out which sentence is false and correct it. T asks Ss to work in pairs and make up 2 sentences (T/F) about the picture they can see. T sets the time limits (2 minutes). Then T asks pairs work in groups, listen and correct false sentences.

Vocabulary introduction - meaning stage (7-10 minutes) • to familiarize students with new vocabulary, its meaning, form an pronunciation

T shows the picture of two people, introduces them and elicits the topic they might be talking about (by drawing a speech bubble with the house inside). What are they talking about? (a house, renting a flat) After that T shows the picture from the Student's book, p. 40 and elicits the names of different rooms in a flat, writes them down on the board. T divides students into pairs using nominations: Kitchen, Living-room, bedroom, bathroom. Then T asks Ss to work in pairs and match the pictures with the names (ex. 2, 40). T sets the time limit (3 minutes) After that T provides Ss with the answer key, but uses WCFB afterwards and CCQs in order to clarify such words as: a sink and a washbasin: Do you have a sink in the kitchen or in the bathroom? (in the kitchen); Do we have a washbasin in the bathroom? (Yes) a washing machine: Do we use it to wash clothes or dishes? (clothes) a coffee table, a table: Is a coffee table big or small? (small)

Vocabulary introduction - form and pronunciation stage (7-10 minutes) • to familiarize Ss with the form and pronunciation of TL, make the Ss pronounce TL properly

T shows the pictures of the furniture they've just learnt on the board (using PPT), point to the first word: table and asks students to pronounce it. When Ss pronounce the word, T points out a stressed syllable by drawing a big circle over it. After that T divides Ss into new pairs, gives out the handout, asks Ss to put big circles over stressed syllables. T sets the time limit (5 minutes). While Ss are doing the task, T is monitoring and asks early finishers to come to the board and draw the circles. Check as a whole class to make sure Ss can pronounce all the words correctly.

Semi-controlled practice stage (10-10 minutes) • to make sure Ss can pronounce and write the words correctly

T introduces a "Duel" games to Ss by modelling it first. Then T asks two volunteers to come to the board and starts the game. This games will help T to understand which words cause more problems and whether Ss have memorized the words or not. After that T gives the Ss crosswords handout, asks them to work individually and sets the time limit (5 minutes). Then T asks Ss to check their answers with their partners and after that by means of an answer key displayed on the board.

Freer practice stage (7-10 minutes) • to make Ss feel more confident in using TL by practising their speaking skills

T divides the classroom into groups by means of labeled pieces of paper (room names). T asks Ss to say what there is / are in their rooms. While the students are doing the task, the teacher is monitoring them. After that T mixes the students from different rooms and asks SS to stand up and share the ideas. In a minute T asks Ss to change partners again and do the same task. While Ss are doing the task, the T is monitoring in order to provide Ss with delayed error correction (if necessary).

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