Hamed Hashemian Hamed Hashemian

Hamed plan 4
Beginner, A1 level


In this lesson the students are going to learn the proper usage of present simple with the third singular person. They are going to learn that the main and first usage is for daily routines.(Positive statement, Negative statement, question form). One more thing would be the adverbs of frequency with regard to present simple(always,never,sometimes).


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of present simple beside adverbs of frequency in the context of Daily routine

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of Someone's personal life
  • To provide product writing practice of a Sentences in the context of Someone's personal life


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

At the very beginning ,I will present a power point about daily routine lifestyle of a person who is in the class but I am not going to say his name until the students find out by eliciting and mostly without speaking and by miming (from early morning) for each slide the students are expected to express themselves generally about whatever they see(OHP). In fact in this way the context is set and they will definitely know what the topic is about.

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

In this handout there are 8 pictures with time. There are also 8 sentences and before giving them the handout I will ask them to look at the pictures and 8 sentences. They are going to look at someone's daily routine lifestyle and write down the times in each sentence according the picture(number one as an example is done). They will do it individually and afterwards they will check in pairs. As for the WCF I will write them down on the board while they are checking. ICQs:How many pictures/sentences?-8. What are you going to write?-The time. Are you going to do it alone or together?-Alone.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

I will write down 6 o'clock on the WB and elicit the whole sentence from the previous sentence completion that they did.I will write it down and although they might know the meaning ,I will go through clarification. For the second sentence as well.I will write down 11:45 and elicit the whole sentence.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

I will start asking CCQs in order to clarify the meaning .I will write down the negative form as well as question form. After telling them the meaning and writing down the form, that would be the time for drilling. Model sentence:"He gets up at 6 o'clock every day." CCQs: Does he get up at 7 o'clock on Mondays?-No. Are we talking about every day's life?-Yes. I will write down 11:45 on the board and elicit the whole sentence. Model sentence:"He always goes to bed at 11:45." CCQs: Does he sleep every night at this time?-Yes. Does he sleep at 1:00 p.m.?-No. I will draw a vertical arrow and put the percentage on it(0%-100%) in order to make the usage of frequent adverbs crystal clear for them.

Controlled Practice (9-11 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

They will be given a handout which includes 8 questions and 8 answers with gap. They will be requested to use the target language properly to respond the questions. The first 2 questions are wh and It might be a little bit challenging for those students who are not answering carefully. They will do it alone.(4 minutes) I will write down one or two examples on the board and I will do it like the gap fill. ICQs: Are you doing it alone or together?-Alone. How much time do you have?-4 minutes. Afterwards they will check in pairs and as a WFC I will stick the answer key under their chair and I will ask them to take it and check. Afterwards, They will be given another handout with regard to Pronunciation of s at the end of verbs. There are 3 columns (/s/,/z/,/Iz/) and plenty of words and the students are required to put the words in the the right column. While they are doing the activity, If there might be one or two early finishers, they will come on the board and write them down or instead check together. If there are any words that they are not in the right column we will go through it altogether.

Semi-Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

I will divide the class into two different groups(each4 or 5 members) and I will put two photographs on the board (one on the right side and the other one on the left side)and for each one I will write down 5 words for each photo on the board. They will be requested to make 4 sentences according to their picture and the words and the early finisher is winner. ICQs: Are you doing it alone or together?-Alone. Are you going to make sentences?-Yes.How?By writing. Afterwards I will give them small pieces of written paper and ask them to put them in correct order with the other members of their group and the early finisher is winner.

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