salma salma

Adverbs of frequency
Elementary level


In this lesson , students learn about Adverbs of frequency in the context of daily routine guided through a questionnaire of whether they are early birds or night owls. Lesson starts with showing a picture of night and day and elicit if they are morning or night persons. Followed by a questionnaire if whether they are early birds or night owls. Last students will have a lot of opportunities to use Adverbs of frequency working in pairs asking each other questions.


Main Aims

  • To introduce adverbs of frequency in the context of daily routine.
  • Speaking in the context of daily routine.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Speaking in the context of daily routine.


Warmer (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students.

I will show them pictures of morning and night and ask them whether they are morning or night people. I will start with myself : " I am a morning person . My routine in the morning is that I get up at 7 O'clock. I drink coffee and have breakfast." . Then I will ask them to work in pairs and ask each other about their daily routine in the morning or night. Then I will ask one or two students about their daily routines.

Focus on TL. (3-4 minutes) • To introduce the student to adverbs of frequency.

I will elicit one routine from a student and ask :" Do you do this everyday ?". And then the sts says "yes" . Then I add always to the sentence and clarify . Then ask someone who is unlikely to play football:" Do you play football?". Then sts say "no" . Then I add never and explain by gestures. This when I draw a cline on the board and place always and never on it and ask the sts to do the rest themselves by sticking pieces of papers with the adverbs on them on the cline.

Lead-in to reading (1-2 minutes) • To prepare the students the for reading the questionnaire.

I will show them the questionnaire on the board and explain the meaning of "early bird" and "night owl". I will try to elicit the meaning of " a lot of " , " happy" , " record a TV programme" , and " the end ".

Reading (4-5 minutes) • To read the questionnaire and be exposed to the " habitat" of the TL.

Each student will be given a copy of the questionnaire and then answer it individually . When they finish they will be divided in to pairs and each pair will switch papers to check each other's results through an answer key that will be handed to them. Then I will ask them to work in groups and compare their scores and who has the same answer.

Focus on TL form (5-6 minutes) • To introduce them to the form of the TL.

First, I willcheck if they know verb be. Second, I will divide them in to groups and will ask them to circle all the adverbs they find in the questionnaire in their handout . Then I will ask them to check in pairs. After they finish, I will give each group a different marker . Then I will ask them to rush to the board and circle all the adverbs. Then , I will ask them to take a good look at the board and where are the adverbs located in the sentences. Then , I will elicit the meaning of before and after and will give them ex 3B to do. Then, they will go find the answers on the wall. Then , I will write two sentences on the board and ask then to place an adverb in each sentence. Then teach them the negative form by eliciting it.

Controlled practice (3-4 minutes) • To practice the TL.

We will do ex .4a. They will do it individually then check in pairs. After this , students will do it on the board. (WCFB). Then drill each sentence.

Listening skills practice (3-4 minutes) • To listen to a conversation in the context of daily routine.

I will ask them to pick there questionnaire again and listen to Tanya's answers this time anf then put (T) next to the answers.They will check in pairs to see Tanya's score. Then find the answer key on the wall(WCFB).

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