Valeria Grigopryeva Valeria Grigopryeva

Teaching practice 2
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson students will talk about medical myths and will practise their reading skills (reading for gist and detailed reading) as well as speaking skills. They will try to predict the information and they will share their experience of facing with medical myths.


Abc Reading for gist
Abc Detailed reading
Abc Myths and Facts headlines + answer keys
Abc Handout 1 - matching
Abc Sentence running - gap fill

Main Aims

  • To practise reading skills (reading for gist and details) in the context of medicine (medical myths)

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will learn new vocabulary and practise speaking skills using TL


Warmer (5-8 minutes) • to introduce the topic and set the context for further reading activity

T shows Ss two pictures on the board and ask them to solve the riddle. Ss are to guess the phrase "medical myths". When Ss get the answer, T divides Ss into 3 teams. There are 3 sets of myths and facts (hanging on the walls). Ss are asked to come to the walls and match headlines with proper column (either myth or fact). Ss check their answers in groups using answer keys. T points out the headlines in bold as these are the headlines Ss are going to read later.

Pre-teaching vocabulary (10-15 minutes) • to introduce new words which might confuse Ss while reading

T gives Ss Handout 1 and ask them to work in pairs and match the words with the definitions. Ss can see the same handout 1 on the board. T asks Ss to come to the board and match the words. While checking T asks CCQs. CCQs: when you blink, do you do it on purpose or naturally? consumption, is it using something or giving something? when you have self-improvement, is it better or worse for you? etc. T divides Ss into 3 teams: green, pink and orange. T shows there are several sentences on the walls and there are some words (printed on colourful papers) on the chair in the middle of the class. Ss have to fill in the gaps with proper words and they are to do it as fast as they can. Ss can take only one word each time they come to the chair. Ss check other team answers using the answer keys. If there are any mistakes, Ss have to explain them.

Reading for gist (5-7 minutes) • to introduce the main idea of 4 texts about medical myths for further practice

T nominates students and As and Bs. T asks A Ss to read their 2 texts and B Ss to read their 2 texts. After that T asks Ss to work in pairs and exchange the information they've just read.

Detailed reading - ex. 1 (5-7 minutes) • to practise understanding specific information while reading and being able to solve related tasks

T asks Ss to keep on working in pairs A-B and do ex. 1a. T points out that 1 sentences is an extra one. Ss work together and then check as a whole class naming the key words which helped them to do the tasks.

Detailed reading - True or False (5 minutes) • to check Ss' ability to find a specific piece of information and prove it

Ss are given the cards with T and F letters. Ss are told to answer the questions as quickly as possible, but they have to be ready to prove their decision. T uses PPT to show the questions.

Post-Reading task - speaking (5-7 minutes) • to practise Ss's speaking skills based on the material they've just learnt

T divides Ss into 3 groups, gives them different headlines and asks Ss to discuss them and express their points of view. Then T provides Ss with some information about the headlines, gives Ss some time to check whether they predicted the information correctly or not. Then Ss are to exchange the information with other Ss (mingling activity).

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