Michael Wear Michael Wear

Teaching Practice 2 - for TP 2b
B2 level


In this lesson students will be using the context of Cyberchondria to be exposed to new vocabulary. This vocabulary will be put into practice. A reading for gist and reading for detail activity will be used to assure comprehension and a production task will be used at the end using speaking and/or writing.


Abc Vocab Cut outs 1
Abc Vocab Cut outs 2
Abc Reading Activity
Abc Prompt Cards

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of new vocabulary related to illness.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading and detailed reading in the context of illness.
  • To provide speaking practice using the new vocabulary


Warmer (2-3 minutes) • To remind students of the context and previously learned vocab.

Elicit previously learned vocabulary using CCQs. This will be done by the teacher pretending to have a headache, feeling tired, nose bleed, coughing.etc. write them on the board. Ask the Ss have you every had any of these symptoms? Have you ever had many of them at the same time? Do you know anyone who says they are always ill but you don't think they really are? Introduce Hypochondriac. Write it on the board and drill for pronunciation.

Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To introduce the context of Cyberchondria.

Show a picture related to cyberchodria. Ask students to talk to their partner and discuss what they think the person in the picture is doing. Have the students say their answers. If their answer has not been said, elicit sentences like googling symptoms, online doctors, home remedies. Ask if they google symptoms often before they visit a doctor. Ask students what they think about people who are always online, looking for symptoms and remedies. Try to elicit 'hypochondriac' again. Ask students what happens when you add technology to a hypochondriac? Click to the next slide of the word cyberchondriac

Pre-teach Vocab (4-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the reading tasks by introducing potentially difficult vocab first.

Use a projection of photographs on the board. Each photograph relates to a new vocab word. Depending on the number of Ss, either give the words on separate pieces of paper each or to each pair. Tell the Ss they have one minute to discuss which word matches which photo. Get the students to stick their words next to the photo they think is correct. Correct any mistakes using CCQs and check for comprehension.

Gist Reading. (2-3 minutes) • To further the context of Cyberchondria and confirm understanding.

Ask students to skim the title and the text. Ask what it's about. Ask CCQs if necessary. Ask if they are or know anyone who is a Cyberchondriac.

Detailed Reading Activity. (12-14 minutes) • To allow students to increase and confirm their understanding of the text details and structure.

Put the students into pairs. Have them re-read the text and the the and activity B on the reading task page. Ask ICQs to confirm understanding. Write the numbers 1-5 and the board and give each pair a different coloured pen. Ask the students to talk to their partner about their answers (peer checking) and agree on the order. Have one person from each pair write their matching letter on the board for each number. Correct any mistakes by asking students to explain why they choose each answer. Ask CCQs to assure understanding.

Vocab Activity. (6-8 minutes) • To allow students to practice word meaning by using context clues.

Project the definitions of the relevant vocabulary on the board (words are from the reading text). Put students in pairs and give each pair a different colour of the cut out vocabulary. Ask students to discuss in pairs which word matches which definition and have them stick them on the board in the relevant place. Use peer review to correct mistakes and use CCQs to assure understanding.

Freer practice (Speaking) (6-8 minutes) • To allow students to use learned vocabulary in a natural speaking situation.

Give each student a prompt card (i.e. You are afraid of going to the doctor). Ask the students to mingle and adapt to their prompt card for their speaking style. Keep the vocab words on the board for reference. When the teacher claps three times Ss must swap cards and find a new partner to talk to. The teacher will listen for common mistakes and give feedback at the end of the activity. Pronunciation drills will be done as necessary.

Writing Practice (6-8 minutes) • To allow students to practice using the new vocabulary in structured writing.

Ask the students to stay in their final speaking pair from the last activity. They will write a short dialog between a doctor and a cyberchondriac. Give a time limit of 5 minutes. Give them one extra minute to memorize their dialogue and tell them to turn their paper over. Have each pair perform their dialogue in front of the class. Listen for common mistakes and give feedback.

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