Triantafyllos Koumpos Triantafyllos Koumpos

Fact or Fiction (using Past Perfect/Past Simple)
Intermediate B1 level


In this lesson Ss will practice reading a text (grammar focus on: past perfect/past simple) for gist and detail in the context of "fact or fiction" related to media. They will be introduced to some new vocabulary related to the context, where they will use in fill the gap activities. In the final part of my lesson a speaking follow up activity will take place to give the give the Ss the opportunity to practice what they've learned.


Abc Coursebook Handout

Main Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about fact or fiction in the context of media

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of vocabulary related to reliability of information in the context of media


Warmer/Lead In (4-5 minutes) • To set and engage students in the lesson context

T pastes images of various information sources on the board. Ask Ss what sort of information they can find in each media. They work in groups to brainstorm and come to the board to write a list under each source. Script: Where do you get information from when you need? Show them the posted sources on the board. Divide Groups, A and B. What information can you find in each of the? Make a list. You have 2 minutes. Ss come to the board to write their answers.

Pre Reading Activity (5-6 minutes) • To prepare Ss for the following reading activities

Ss work in pairs to discuss which source they trust more and why. Write the Qs on board. Script: Which source of information do you trust? Why? Work in pairs. You have 3 minutes Check for understanding: Script: What do you have to do? Are you working alone? Monitor. Feedback. Nominate 1-2 Ss for answers.

Reading for gist (6-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Ss read the first sentence of the text. T asks the Ss what they know about Wikipedia. Ss read again and match the paragraphs 1-4 to subheadings a-d in exercise 2. Script: Match the paragraphs 1-4 to the headings a-d. Show them where. Work alone. You have 3 minutes. Check for understanding. What are you going to do? Are you working alone? Monitor. Feedback. Ask them to compare their answers in pairs. Nominate Ss for correct answer, confirm with class

Reading for detail 1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with a specific information reading tasks

Ss read the Qs in exercise 3. They read the article again and answer the Qs. Qs no4 will be discussed as a group activity Script: Read the Qs in exercise 3 and check for any words you don't know. Answer the Qs. Check for understanding. What do you have to do? You have 4 minutes. Monitor. Feedback: PW: compare your answers and discuss with your pair Q no4. You have 2 minutes. WC: Ss answer the Qs, T nominates 1-2 S for Qs no. 4

Reading for detail 2 (7-9 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

For exercise 4, Ss will work in groups finding the described vocabulary in the article. This guided discovery activity will be timed and groups will have to come up to the board to write their findings once the time is over. Script: You are Group A/B. Do exercise 4. You have 3 minutes. Then come to the board and write what you found. Demonstrate the first example. Ss will do the rest. Check for understanding. What do you have to do? Are you working alone or in groups? You have 4 minutes. Monitor. Feedback: Ss go to the board and write their findings. At this point use CCQ for clarification and drill for pronunciation. Note: T pastes the correct answers on the board faced down. Once the time is over and Ss finished writing their answers on board, at the FB stage T will face the correct answers up and CCQ for checking understanding if necessary. CCQ: reliable 1. Is it something we can trust? Yes 2. Is it something that we can believe? Yes inaccurate, accurate 1. Is is something 100% correct? No, Yes 2. Is it something reliable? No, Yes Scandals 1. Is it generally shocking news? Yes 2. Does it have to do with someone/something important? Yes a fake 1. Is it true or a lie? A lie 2. Does it try to make you think that something is true? Yes made up 1. Is it real news or a fake? A Fake 2. Is it something we imagine and want to make it look real? Yes trust (noun) 1. Is it something reliable? Yes 2. Is it something/someone that is generally accepted as reliable? Yes

Post-Reading Follow up Activity (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

In exercise 5 Ss will use the new vocabulary to fill the gaps in the sentences. Then they will mingle and ask each other these Qs. Script: Part 1. 1. Read the Qs in exercise no 5. 2. Check for any words you don't know. 3. Answer the Qs. Check for understanding. What do you have to do? Are you working alone? Monitor. Feedback: w/c Part 2: Stand up, go around and ask these Qs to each other. Take notes of your findings. Monitor. Feedback: Nominate 1-2 Ss for answers (more if time allows) Give feedback on any good and/or problematic language use from their discussion

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