Valeria Grigopryeva Valeria Grigopryeva

Teaching practice 1
Upper-Intermediate level


The students will find out about the science of graphology, its meaning and its usage. They will practice their Listening comprehension skills (detailed listening) as well as such grammar construction as "the + comparative adj, the + comparative adj"


Abc Listening for specific information handout
Abc Grammar Handout
Abc set of words and their descriptions
Abc Papers with signatures

Main Aims

  • Drawing conclusions from written information

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening for specific information in the context of understanding a lecture


Setting the context (3 minutes) • to make students get the idea of the topic we are going to talk about and to make them interested

The T puts the pictures of signatures taken from different letters of reference. First of all the T elicits the term "signature" by point to it. Then the T refers to the topic of Job interviews, asks "Why is it necessary to interview a person before hiring him/her?" The Ss elicit their ideas. When the Ss say that the interview is important because it helps to understand a person's personality, the T draws their attention to the signatures and asks whether we can understand someone's character from his/her signature.

Pre-Listening (5-8 minutes) • to prepare students for the listening activity, provoke motivation

T divides the class into groups (depending on the number of students). T gives each group a piece of paper and asks the students to put their signatures there. The T collects the papers. T asks the students to read the text (ex. C) and discuss in groups whether they it is possible to understand someone's character from their signatures. Ss discuss their ideas in groups than share as a WC. T ask Ss to look at different signatures and predict whose they are.

Pre-Listening # 2 (5-8 minutes) • to introduce the vocabulary Ss might be unfamiliar with in order to complete the task

While Ss were doing the previous task T wrote wrote down the words on the board. T asks Ss what part of speech they are. Then T draws students attention to the descriptions on the walls. Ss are still working in the same groups, Ss get a set of the same words and their task is to match the words with their descriptions. When activity is over T gives the answers to the teams and they have to check the other team. T checks whether Ss have understood all the words or not.

Detailed listening (10-12 minutes) • to provide students with a challenging listening activity and ask them to focus on note taking

T draws Ss attention to ex. D, audio 17 and asks Ss to listen to a lecture and take notes in order to fill in the gaps. Ss are still in groups, but now Ss have to work individually. Ss listen twice. Then Ss check in groups. Ss repeat the same for other 3 audios.

Grammar Introduction (5-8 minutes) • to introduce such grammar construction as "the...the..+comparatives" and make sure Ss can use it properly

While Ss were checking the listening task, T put down some sentences with target grammar. e.g. If your surname is bigger, this means your public "self" is more important. = The bigger your surname is, the more important your public "self" is. T asks whether these sentences are similar or different. T gives Ss another example and asks them to paraphrase it. e.g. People who sign their name with a small signature tend to be insecure. = The smaller a signature is, the more insecure people are. T gives Ss a handout for a controlled grammar practice. WCF

Semi-controlled grammar activity (10-12 minutes) • to check whether Ss understand target grammar and whether they can use it properly or not

T give Ss the papers which were collected in the beginning of the lesson, but each group get an opposite group paper. Ss are to discuss their groupmates signatures using the information they got from listening. T monitors the activity. Ss present their ideas about their groupmates' personalities. WCF

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