Naomi Schademan Naomi Schademan

Lesson Plan TP 7 Naomi Schademan
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice indirect question forms. The procedure will be Test-Teach-Test. First, Ss will be tested with a word order exercise. The second test exercise will be in the form of a gap-fill. Finally, Ss will get freer speaking practice with indirect question forms while working in pairs.


Abc white board

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of indirect question forms in the context of health

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of health


Warmer/Lead-in (1-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher writes: "Do you workout?" "How much do you weigh?" "Why do you smoke so much?" on white board and asks students if these questions are formal or informal. Polite or kind of impolite. Teacher asks how they could change these sentences to be more polite.

Test #1 (9-11 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

-Ss complete exercise 1 from HO 1. First work alone, then check answers with partners for 1 minute. -Have Ss write answers on white board. Elicit corrections from other Ss and gauge how much teaching will need to be done in the next stage.

Teach (11-16 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

Write direct questions and indirect questions on white board. 1. Direct question: Is there anything I can eat that will boost my memory? Vs. Indirect question: I was wondering if there was anything I could eat that would boost my memory? (added introductory phrase- I was wondering; added conjunction- if; was- past tense; could/would- modal verbs) We sometimes use past tense to help create ‘distance’ between the speaker and listener. This is common after introductory question phrases that contain the past tense- e.g. “I was wondering…” Drill the question by backchaining. 2. Direct question: How much fruit and vegetables do you eat? Vs. Indirect question: Could you tell me how much fresh fruit and vegetables you eat? (added introductory phrase- Could you tell me; auxiliary verb do gets removed) Drill the question by backchaining. 3. Direct question: What can I give my brother for his fiery temper? Vs. Indirect question: I’d like to know what I can give my brother for his fiery temper? (added introductory phrase- I’d like to know; switch to modal verb would; subject and verb switch) Drill the question by backchaining. -Do CCQs: Which is more polite? Which would I use with someone I hardly know? Which would I probably use around my best friend? In the first question, what changes with the tense? In the second question, what happens to the auxiliary verb do? In the last question, what happens to the subject and the verb? Does the verb change? To what?

Test #2 (9-12 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

-Ss work in pairs to do the fill-in-the-gap questions on HO 2. -Post answer keys on walls and have Ss check their answers.

Free practice (10-14 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ss do exercise 3 from HO 1. First they choose a subject from the box, then spend time writing out the questions they will ask their partner. They have 7-10 minutes for speaking practice. *If there is extra time, have students look at the questions from test #1 and see if they can answer any of them. *Give Ss reference sheet for further understanding.

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