Perdi Brown Perdi Brown

TP2- Good Communication
Intermediate level


Following on from the previous lesson's listening exercise, students use the listed adjectives to complete the opinions from Graham and Deniz's conversation. Students can then check in pairs before feedback to elicit the answers from individual students and write them on the board. Elicit from students what 2 words make up it's and show on the board. Talk about whether the -ing form and the infinitve have the same meaning in this instance. What are they all describing? Opinions. Concentrate on MFPA Students work in pairs to unjumble the words to form sentences (go through an example with students). Move the left hand person of each pair 2 seats to their right to do peer check before feedback. Nominate students to put each unjumbled sentence on the board. Discuss each one as they go on the board- do students agree? Why? Why not? Students work in groups to form sentences from the opinion and topic cards given out. Go through an example with students to clarify. Monitor for errors. Nominate students to give sentences using their opinion cards to the class. Who agrees/ who disagrees. It doesn't matter if they agree or disagree it is good discussion. Error correction and reformulation


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the verb forms ( -ing verb vs infinitive) with adjectives to express opinions in the context of communication

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review and provide clarification and practice of using -ing verb vs infinitive. To provide fluency speaking practice in giving opinions in the context of communication.


Warmer/Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Put Donald Trump quote on the board. Ask student's opinions on the quote

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Complete the gap-fill handouts. Monitor for errors Peer check Feedback- nominate students to complete sentences on the board

Useful Language (9-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

We often use It's + adjective + ing form or infinitive to talk about how we feel. Example It's tiring to be on call/ It's difficult to relax. Are we expressing opinions both times? Which part of the the sentences are the true subject? be on call/ to relax so the true subject is the ing form and the infinitive Can we start a sentence with to relax?(To relax is difficult) No it sounds awkward so we turn it around. Can we start a sentence with the ing form? (Being on call all the time is tiring) Yes we can but is more informal Model and drill sentence stresses. Show example of exercise 2 on board eliciting answer from students Students have to unjumble the words to form sentences in pairs at the stations around the room. Monitor and make notes on errors One person from the pair moves to the left and new pairs check answers Feedback on the board. Students bring each completed sentence and sticks it on the board when nominated.

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Handout opinion and topic cards face down Students deal out opinion cards equally amoung the group One student picks a topin card and turns it over Ask the student to read out the topic card and one of their opinion cards to the class Students have to form sentences on the topic using the phrase on the opinion card. Example,Some people say that online dating websites are a great way to meet people. The next student has to use one of their opinion cards to make another sentence, e.g. Yes, but the problem is people sometimes lie about their appearance or their age. Students continue until all the students in each group have expressed an opinion on the topic. After each topic shuffle the opinion cards and deal them out again. Choose another topic card and repeat the process. Student's can not repeat another person's opinion. Monitor for errors. Ask 1 or 2 students to say one of their opinions to class.

Feedback and Error Correction (9-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Go through errors heard during monitoring Have them written down and give the correct and wrong sentences to the groups that made the errors and ask them to identify which are the correct and which are the wrong. Correct the wrong ones themselves where they can.

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