Nigel Crowe Nigel Crowe

TP8: Speaking - crime
A2 Pre-Intermediate level


Students will be exposed to vocabulary and indicate which words they know. A decision will be made on the direction of the lesson based on the learners' facility with the lexical set. If there is a general familiarity with the words, peer exercises will be done to enable the whole class to use the words in some freer practice - design and execution of a dramatic episode. If students are generally unfamiliar with the words, the vocabulary to be taught will be identified and students will have the words presented and clarified. Controlled and semi-controlled speaking practice will then be carried out. After this, students will proceed to the speaking activities.


Main Aims

  • Speaking: to expedite fluency in conversation involving concepts of crime.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Vocabulary: to provide students with clarification (or review, depending on their familiarity) and practice with the vocabulary of crime.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Play crime sounds and show stimulus pictures. 'What is this lesson about?' Elicit word 'crime' Define crime: mime stealing, burglary, murder, police taking me away.

Presentation of vocab words (8-10 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language and move towards a working knowledge of key words for the speaking activity

Instructions: Tick words that you know. You have 2 minutes. ICQs: Will you talk? Will you work by yourself? Will you write sentences? How long do you have? Monitor to get an idea of what they know. Project exercise on WB, Mingling activity to do as much peer-teaching as possible. Walk around. Talk to other people. Find someone who knows a word that you don't. Find out what the words mean. You have 4 minutes. ICQs Will you sit down? Will you talk? Will you talk about the words? Will you find the meanings of words? How long? Monitor. Place key words on left of WB. Sit. Give out grid of key words. Fill this in by yourself. Will you talk? Check in pairs (they already will...)

Initial speaking activity (15-20 minutes) • To allow students to speak in a structured way.

Give out picture sheets. These are in groups of 3: e.g. robber/robbery/start of news report about robbery. Instructions: stand up. Find your group. ICQs Will you look at your words? Will you look at other people's words? Will you talk? How many people in your group? (Most will be 3) What is your key word? (robbery/burglary/theft/murder/crime/(gun) Look at the news story. Continue this so that it is 1 minute long. Use the other two words in your group. You have 3 minutes. Monitor for need to clarify words. Choose 2 groups to say theirs. At this stage, choose confident people.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

Discuss what happened as the crime was committed. We are going to act out the crime. Choose roles. Who commits the crime? (Who does the bad thing?) Who is the victim? What other characters are there? Police officer. Witness. Newsreader. Next victim. Decide who you are. You are this person for the rest of the lesson. You have 2 minutes. T-S Who are you? Say one thing about yourself. Model. Then do quick dialogue with one student. What happened next? Discuss for two minutes.

Free practice (13-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

You will act out what happened before, during and after the crime. ICQs Will you be in groups? Who are you? Will you speak English? Will you use these words? (on WB) Can you shout? Can anyone get hurt? How long do you have? Monitor. Note good things. Note occasional thing to be corrected. Choose 1 or 2 to play to class.

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