Shamin Shamin

B2 level


Abc Pics.,
Abc Question cards

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about Mind in the context of Gender gaps on the brain

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Discussion in the context of Mind and brain


Warmer/Lead-in (10-15 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Pre-teach the word 'Gender' by asking questions about if they watch movies and Series and showing a picture of Vampire Dairies main actors and actresses, then asking about how many of them are male and how many of them are Female? Write the title 'Gender Gaps on the Brain' on the board and engage ss by asking them to read it and describing the pictures on page 40-41. Ask if ss think men and women are better at different things (brain storm ideas and write the ones which are written in Ex. 1, P40 on the board). Here we can also help ss b showing different pictures (if necessary). Put ss into pairs and tell them to discuss the questions. Ex. 1, p. 40. Give ss a few minutes to do the activity and check answers as a whole class.

Reading for Gist (4-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language and get the general idea of it

Put ss into pairs. Introduce the text, distribute question cards (one for each pair) and give them a few minutes to discuss and a few more minutes to read quickly and check their answers. Ex. 2, p.40. Check answers as a whole class.

Reading for detail (8-10 minutes) • To make ss read for detail

Ask ss to work individually. Tell them to read the text again and underline the sections that give the information. Ask ICQs to clarify any misunderstanding. Put ss into pairs to check their answers. Ex.3, p.40.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Put ss into pairs. Explain that guessing meaning from context is an important skill. Ask ss to guess the meaning of the given words and phrases from the text, without looking at their dictionaries. Ex.4, p.40. Monitor and help if necessary.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Put ss in small groups. Allow time to discuss the questions Ex.5, p.40. Make sure they explain their opinions and ask each other questions. Monitor and help if necessary.

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