Mabroka  M Milad  El_shukri Mabroka M Milad El_shukri

Short story( Eveline)
Upper_intermediate level


In this listen, students will read a short story (Eveline) written by James Joyes, Students will practice different types of reading, during different stages of the lesson; pre reading, while reading and post reading. Students will be presented with some lexical items(blocking vocabulary) which are necessary for the understanding of the story. In addition, students will be presented with some major element of fiction to help them understand and analyse the story. students will hopefully finish reading and discussing the story by the end of the lesson. Students will be asked to summarise the story in small paragraphs as a homework, emphasising the most important events of the story. Students will then compare their summaries with each others in the class.


Abc Handouts
Abc Handouts (text.) a picture . Pictures
Abc Activity adapted from lit in language teaching
Abc HO
Abc Ho (The story)
Abc Handouts

Main Aims

  • To provide the students with the opportunity to analysis a literary text.
  • To provide gist, scan and detailed reading of a short story
  • To provide clarification of some lexical item used in a literary text.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To expand students knowledge of literature.
  • To expose students to authentic material.
  • To develop students interpretative abilities.
  • To help student learn about a different culture (The culture of Dublin,Irland)
  • To expand students' language awareness.
  • • To provide Ss with opportunities to cope with language intended for native speakers • To help Ss gain additional familiarities with many different linguistic use. • To increase Ss receptive vocabulary . • ''To provide a rich context in which individual lexical and syntactical items are made more memorable''. • To use a varsities of pair and group work


Warmer (10-15 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T welcomes the Ss T asks the Ss about the last story they read in English. T opens open class discussions. T allows the Ss to talk about their favourite stories. T asks Ss to share some their answers with the class. T asks the Ss about the techniques they are using/have used to read/understand stories in English. T tries to elicit some interesting techniques. *It is good idea to know some information about the author before reading the story. *It is helpful to watch a movie based on the story if possible. *It is not important to understand every single words in the story...etc

Lead_in (15-20 minutes) • To provide a supportive atmosphere that helps the Ss understand and enjoy the text.

T elicits from the Ss some important point related to reading the story. What is the first thing you should know about the any story you want to read before reading the story itself? T elicits The title. The book cover. T shows Ss some picture about the story Eveline. The cover page . T gives Ss time to look at the pictures and read the information about the author and try to guess. Who is Eveline? Is she the main character? Is she a happy person? Is she married? Where is she? What do you think the story is about? T writes the question on the left side of the board to guide Ss towards answering/making prediction about the story. T plays the music. Ss work T monitors without making any interruption. T tries to be less obtrusive. T does quick open class feedback. T accepts all answers.

Pre-Reading 1) (10-20 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible. To pre_teach essential blocking vocabulary from the context. To fully engaged the Ss and get them in the mood of the story.

T divides the Ss into 4 groups (3 groups of three and 1 group of four.) T puts the Ss who study English at university level in different groups. Each group will be given set of words/expression and their meaning , each group will try to match their set of words with their meaning by trying to guess the meanings from the context (certain lines were extracted from the story, these lines were written on a big pieces of papers and posted around the class, the words which Ss need to get their meaning are in bold ). T gives each group set of words. T makes sure that Ss know exactly what they need to do by asking instruction checking questions. 1. Are you going to match the words with their meaning first or read the words in the sentences? ss (read the sentences/lines first) T asks Ss to choose a runner/runners, whose job is to run , read the words in its context and comes back to the group and helps them match the words with their meaning. T elicits from the Ss the the meaning of the word is determined by it's context. T makes sure that each group is working together. T sets time limit and makes Ss aware of that to encourage them to work fast. Ss work T monitors and help Ss if needed. When Ss finish T asks Ss to go back and set with their groups in circles. T gives Ss the answer key and sees how many words did the Ss get right. T makes sure that each Ss has the answer key to use as a glossary for future tasks. *(The main aim for this stage is to pre teach the vocabulary communicatively, and because most of the Ss are kinaesthetic I chose the gallery reading technique, where Ss need to read while they are standing instead of sitting down, which they will do during different stages in this lesson, this stage was prepared to suite their learning style)

Pre-Reading Task2 (10-15 minutes) • To elicit the element of fiction to help Ss analyse the story. To prepare the Ss from the while reading stage

T elicits from the Ss the most important element that they should look for while reading the story by asking concept checking questions? T tells the Ss, when we read a story........... what do we call the people in the story? Ss (characters) What do we call the most important character in the story? Ss(main character/hero/...) T accepts all possible answers what do we call the main topic of the story? Ss(theme) what do we call the time and place in which the story occur?Where/when do the characters live? Ss(the setting) From which prospective the author presents a story? Ss(the narrator) the narrator could be a character in the story or a person from outside the story who sees and knows everything about the characters) T checks Ss understanding by asking them about the narrator in (Titanic) T provides the Ss with they answers and asks CCQS to make sure that Ss have understood the concept. T Writes the element of fiction on the board. characters Theme Plot setting point of view. T tells the Ss that it is important to try to find out those element while reading the story.

While-Reading #1 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

T writes two questions on the board Who is Eveline? What is her dilemma? T encourages Ss to predict some answer T writes some interesting predictions on the board T shows the Ss the HO (the story) T tells the Ss to scan the story and answer these questions only T tells the Ss that they don't have to focus on every single word in the story, T gives the Ss the Hos T sets time and make Ss aware of that. Ss work T sits and monitors from a distance. Ss finish. T asks Ss to check answers together. T checks answers with the whole class. T asks Ss to compare their answers with the predictions they made.

While-Reading#2 (15-20 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/ tasks

T puts Ss in different groups T asks Ss to A)read the story again and write down the reasons that Eveline has for staying and for leaving. T elicits some answers from Ss Ex, she thinks her life is boring she has a lot of responsibility that she can't leave B) what decision does she make at the end of the story? T asks Ss to work together and answer the questions T sits a time limit and make Ss aware of that Ss work T monitors and helps Ss if needed

Post-Reading(If time allows) if not this will be done as (Homework) and check the following class. (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T puts Ss into different groups. T asks the students to work together and read the story again and underline the main events of it. T asks Ss to provide reasons for their the lines that they chose. T gives Ss time. T asks the Ss that there is no right or answer, it's all about their opinions. Ss work T monitors. T asks Ss to check answers with the class and see if the Ss have similar answers. T asks Ss to write a story review. T elicits what should include in the story review. 1. Introduction In the introduction, you should write some basic facts about the story; the title, the author and your reasons for liking or disliking the story. 2. Summary Briefly summarise the story; the setting, the main character(s) and the main events or problems that the characters experience. 3. Your own opinions. what you like or dislike about the story. Give reasons for both. 4. Would you recommend the story to your friends/family?why and why not? 5. Conclusion what did you learnt from the story?

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