didar shwani didar shwani

TP 7a
Intermediate B1 level


In this lesson the students will practise their receptive skills in the context of ( No More Pain), through guided discovery and controlled practise, finally leading to students practising their productive skills speaking for fluency, about health issues.


Abc At the clinic
Abc No More Pain
Abc Complete teh sentences
Abc Ask each classmate different question
Abc Discussion
Abc story : Tell your group about it.

Main Aims

  • To provide the students with opportunity to practise their receptive skills in reading for details in the context of " No More Pain", through guided discover and controlled practice.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice using vocabulary related to health issues in the context of No more pain , and encourage the students to speak for fluency.


Warmer/Lead-in ( semi controlled activity - GW ) (6-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

--------------------Hand Out 1 --------- Give each students a copy of HO 1: Ask S: Walk around the class. Ask each classmate a different question from the list in the hand out. When you find someone who answers yes , write his/ her name in the blank. Get at least one name for each blank.( 3 min) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next; Pair the students. Ask them to look at ex B. Ask and answer the questions with your partner.( students to write down each others answers) Monitor the students . If they stopped talking , pair them with other students. ( 4 min) Note; students might ask how to pronounce: Acupuncture /æk.jʊ.pʌŋ k  .tʃə r / . Drill the pronunciation.

Pre-Reading ( skimming - controlled activity) (5-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

-----------------Hand Out 2 ------------------------ - Divide the class into 2 or 3 groups. -Give each group a copy of HO 2: - Ask the students to read the caption under the picture and then answer the questions bellow. Feedback: each group to give their answer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------Hand Out 3 -------------------------------- Next: Give each students a copy of HO 3 ( text). - Ask the students to read the text quickly and think of their guess ( 3 min) - Choose another title for the text. Circle the best one. Students to discuss the answers in groups. CCQ: Why did you choose this title? explain the relation?

While-Reading ( reading for details - controlled activity_) (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

----------------- Hand out 4 ---------------- Ask the students to read the text again , but this time for information. - Give each student HO 3. - Ask the students to find the answers in the reading - Check your answers with your partner. CCQ: Are there any similar methods to acupuncture in your country? ( cupping , massaging ( spa- Turkish bath) Feedback: hand out the answer sheet.

Post-Reading ( comrehemstion ) (4-8 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Students to discuss:( ICQ , LEADING TO SPEAKING) Is acupuncture popular in your country ? why and why not? Would you get acupuncture treatment? why and why not? Are there any alternative methods to acupuncture? what is it called? ( cupping)

Free practice ( Talk about it- speakin ) (10-10 minutes) • Students to practise their productive skills in speaking for fluency

Speaking; ( free practice ) Divide the students into two groups : Write the discussion topic on the board: (How do you keep healthy? advice your partner.) Tell your success story.

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