saman saman

TP 6 - Lesson Plan
Elementary A2 level


In this lesson students learn how to describe appearance and how to guess personality by using the proper adjectives .


Abc Picture
Abc Track R6.1
Abc Handout 1
Abc Handout 2
Abc Picture
Abc Handout 3

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Descriptive Adjectives in the context of Family

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of Family


Lead-In/Warm-up (10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

*Show a picture of my brother and his wife on the whiteboard . *Ask them to guess who they are . *Give them a little information about them (their personality and appearance) *Ask them to stand up an come to the WB . *Ask them to guess more about my brother and his wife and write their guesses on the WB .

Pre-Teach vocabulary - Lexis (5 minutes) • To provide students with the vocab they will need for the activity

*Elicit the words : poor , noisy , intelligent , ill , crowded . *Check if they got the meaning correctly . *Drill *Write the words on the WB . *Mark the stress .

Controlled Practice (5 minutes) • To provide students with a controlled practice of the TL

*Explain the activity . *Do an example *Give them HOs 1 . *Students do the exercise individually . *Students check their answers in pairs . *Teacher Check the answers with the whole class . *Write the answers on the WB

Controlled Practice 2 (5 minutes) • To provide students with a controlled practice of the TL

*Tell them to turn over HOs 1 .(It is HO 2) *Explain the activity . *Do an example . *Students do the exercises individually . *Students check their answers in pairs . *Teacher check the answers with the whole class and write the answers on the WB .

Freer Speaking practice (8 minutes) • To let the students use the newly learned vocab .

*Put them into groups of 3 or 4 . *Ask them to describe their family members for each other (personality and appearance) , using the adjectives they have learned . *Get feedback

Pre-Teach vocabulary - Lexis (5 minutes) • Introduce the target language

*Show them a picture of a family . *Ask them to guess about the poeple in the picture (their relationship , age , personality) *Elicit the word "looks" . *Elicit some examples .

Listening for gist (1 minutes)

*Explain the activity *Students listen to the audio for the first time . *Students try to guess who the speaker is .

Listening for Specific Information (5 minutes)

*Students listen to the audio for the second time *Students try to get the answers of these 3 questions : 1. How many poeple were in her party ? 2. How much food and drink was there ? 3. Was her grand father in the party ?What about her brothers ? *Students check their answers in pairs . *Teacher check the answers with whole class and put them on the WB .

Wrap-up (1 minutes)

*Give them the audio script so they can check the answers on the board .

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