seydabilken seydabilken

Upper-Intermediate level


The lesson is about green houses. The target language is futures review, so the lesson is related to grammar. Sts will have a task and t will see their knowledge. After this, students will have another controlled practice. Finally, they will have freer practice and speak about something related to the context.


Abc Choose the best verb forms
Abc Changing six of the verbs
Abc Guessing the questions
Abc Questions for lead-in
Abc Matching the examples

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Futures review in the context of Green houses

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of Green houses


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will ask sts if they remember the characters of the listening part. T: Do you remember the names of the characters in the listening part? What are their names? After sts answer the questions, t will tell them Becky met someone and talk with him. That person is Tim. Let's see what they talked about.

Test #1 (5-8 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

Sts will be given a HO including a dialogue related to the context. In this dialogue, sts will choose the correct answer related to the futures review. After the task, t will see the knowledge of the sts. Before giving the task, t will give the instructions: Choose the best verb forms to complete the dialogue. ICQs: Are you going to work with your partner? (Yes) Are we going to write anything on the HO? (No, only choose the answer) How many minutes do you have? (3 minutes) Sts will circle their answers on the board (T will project the task). Get WC FB

Teach (10-15 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

After the test#1, t will see if the sts have difficulty. If there is, then students will circle the answers where they have difficulty. Later, they will have another HO which has the same six sentences from the dialogue. In this part, sts will match the sentences to their uses. Thus, they will be able to see when sts need to use the futures review. Before giving the HO, t will give the instruction: Match the examples a-f to their uses 1-6. ICQs: Are you going to work in pairs? (Yes) How many minutes do you have? (3 minutes) After matching, t will see if there is still confusion or not. If there is, t will ask some CCQs (see language analysis) in order to differentiate the uses of futures review. If not, then t will chek the form and pronunciation. For the form, t will project the model sentences and ask the sts what the form is (for each sentence)? After going to, what do we use (base form verb or V+ing)? After will, what do we use (base form verb or V+ing)? After am/is/are in present continuous, what do we use (base form verb or V+ing)? what is the form of present simple tense? For pronunciation, t will pronounce them and sts will repeat after her. T will also pronounce the contraction form and sts will repeat after her. Get WC FB

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

Sts will have another HO related to the target language. T will check sts and compare their knowledge with the first test. T will give instructions before having HOs: Change six of the underlined verbs to a more appropriate for with going to + infinitive, present continuous or present simple. Are we going to change only underlined verbs? (Yes) Are we going to work in pairs? (Yes) How many minutes do we have? (4 minutes) Get WC FB

Free practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Sts will work in pairs and there will be sts A and B. Both of them will have different questions. They will pick two of them and prepare the answers. However, they will not tell each other which question they answer. T will give instructions before giving the HO: Choose two below and spend three minutes preparing what you are going to say. Speak for 30 seconds without pausing or repeating. First, st A will speak and st B will find the question. ICQs: How many questions are you going to choose? (2) Are you going to tell your partner which questions you are answering? (No) How many seconds are you going to speak for each question? (30 seconds)

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