Zaynab Noor Mohammed Zaynab Noor Mohammed

Speaking Lesson: Doctor's Appointment
A2 level


In this lesson, students will engage in fluency speaking practice in the context of an appointment with the doctor. They will review and practice functional language used to inquire and explain about health issues in the context of an appointment with the doctor.


Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a role-play in the context of an appointment with the doctor.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review and practice of language used in inquiring about and explaining health issues in the context of an appointment with the doctor.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T plays short video of a doctor and patient to set context. T elicits context and answers to these questions: What health problem did the woman have? [asthma] Was the medicine working? Why not? [she was using it wrongly] There was something the woman said to the doctor that wasn't nice. What was it? ['Do I look like an idiot?'] Do we usually talk like that to doctors? [No]

Noticing (8-10 minutes) • To allow students to notice language and format of upcoming speaking tasks

T elicits and writes ideas of the content of conversations with doctors on WB (age, ailment, duration, etc). T distributes slips and Ss are grouped as doctors and patients. Ss get 2 minutes to refer to the ideas on the board and prepare what they are going to say to their partner. Ss do role-play in pairs. (T monitors and collects errors) ICQs: Will you prepare your list together or alone? [alone] Should you act like a real doctor? [Yes!] Should you act like you're really ill? [Yes!] T corrects errors with WC.

Exposure and controlled practice (8-10 minutes) • To expose students to useful language used in production stage and do controlled practice

T distributes HO 1, asks Ss to fold it in half and Ss work in groups to decide what is wrong with Part 1. HO 1 is displayed on WB and T quickly elicits reasons why Part 1 is inappropriate. ICQs: Will you work in pairs or with your groups? [In groups] Will you write or discuss? [Discuss] How much time do you have? [2 minutes] Ss exchange their doctor/patient slips with their partners to reverse roles. Ss use part 2 in HO 2 to do role-play in pairs. ICQs: Will you use part 1 or part 2? [Part 2] T corrects form/meaning/pronunciation errors with WC.

Role-play (18-20 minutes) • To engage students in fluency speaking practice

T makes 2 vertical rows of chairs/makes Ss stand. Ss sit on any chair/stand and T distributes role-cards. Ss get 2 minutes to prepare for the role-play. ICQs: Will you talk to the person next to you or in front of you? [in front] Will you think about what you're going to say or discuss? [Think] Ss perform the role play in pairs. Ss swap cards with someone in their row with a card of a different color. Ss re-arrange themselves to face a partner with the same colored card. Then Ss exchange cards with their partners so their roles are reversed. Ss take 2 minutes to prepare for their new role. Ss do role-play in pairs. T collects errors and writes them on WB, wraps up activity.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T goes through errors on WB and corrects pronunciation and form. Focus on: 1) intonation - drill /backchain 2) stress patterns - mark stress / drill 3) pronunciation - model weak forms / correct pronunciation / drill 4) wrong word order WCFB

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