Negar Negar

Teaching Practice 5
Upper Intermediate level


In this session the students will practice reading skills and learn set of vocabulary relevant to embarrassment.


Main Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about politically incorrect in the context of embarrassement

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of embarrassment lexical set in the context of embarrassing stories


Warmer (2-3 minutes) • To get the students involved into the topic and set the context

1) The picture is shown on the board. 2) T elicits what the picture is about and puts the Sts in pairs. 3) The students share their ideas in pairs. 4) WCFB

Pre-Reading (4-5 minutes) • To personalize the text and make the students interested in the topic

Exe 1 1) T writes on the board, Do you know of an embarrassing mistake made by a prominent politician? 2) T elicits 'prominent''s meaning and says its synonym is important 3) T puts the students in pairs 4) The Sts discuss the Q in pairs. 5) WCFB. The teacher introduces two words that the students need to go through exercise 3. 1)Soon after the students are discussing the question, the T asks them to match the definitions with the words. T says, " You're going to read a text but before that I'd like to check some words together." 2) The definitions are on the board and students match .. Bribe somebody to do something. Press charges.

While-Reading (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist of the text

Exe2 1) Pictures of two politicians are on the board. 1) T elicits the topic and giveS a brief explanations as to who these men are. T says," Gloystein was a relatively minor politician who has not taken part in politics since 2005 and the incident you are going to read about sees his main claim to fame. John Prescott was the Uk's deputy Prime Minister to Tony Blair. His work was surrounded with criticism and scandals. 2)The Sts skim two texts individually in about 5 minutes. 3) ICQ: Are you going to use dictionaries? No Can you take notes of the text? Yes. How much time? 5 min. 4) Put students in pairs and they report on what they have read. " Tell each other about what you have read" 5) WCFB. Some students share their ideas.

While-Reading#2 (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with more detailed information out of the text

Exe 3 1) The teacher gives the HOs and says, " Read the text again and decide which sentence is relevant to either Gloystein or Prescott." 2) ICQs: Which letter should be written for Gloystein? G Which letter should be written for Prescott? P 3) FB first in pairs then a volunteer comes to the board to write the answers. 4) WCFB, T asks the Sts to give reasons for their answers.

Post-Reading (8-9 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Exe 4 1) T writes the Qs on the board. a. Who made the biggest mistake? b. What should he have done? c. Which of these men should have been punished? 2) Sts are put in pairs and discuss the Qs. ICQ: How many questions are you going to discuss? 3. 3) Then groups of 2 join each other and make groups of 4 to report on what they have talked about. Then groups of 4 join each other to make two groups of 8. Pyramidal group discussion. 4) Errors are corrected on the board. 4) WCFB and the students come up with a conclusion all together.

Vocabulary clarification and practice exercise 1 (5-6 minutes) • To clarify and practice new vocabulary

Exe 1 1) T shows the HOs and says' I'd like you to guess these words' meaning from the context and fill in the gaps." 2) Students are in pairs. ICQ, are you going to work alone? No The words' definitions are written on flashcards which are stuck on the board. 3) T says, "you are going to match the words with their definitions. On the back of each card there is a number. If you can match the word with the right definition then I'll give you the point." 4) ICQs: Are you going to come to the board and match the cards? No. Are you going to take your turns? Yes. 5) The T puts the students in groups of 3. and names them A, B, C, D, E, F 6) Sts give answers and get their points. One group is a winner. 7) CCQs: squirm a)When you squirm with embarrassment, do you feel good? No. b)What do you feel? Very embarrassed. c)Did the spin doctors of Prescott’s party feel very embarrassed? Yes Acutely a)When you feel acutely sorry do you feel very sorry or a bit sorry? Very sorry b)Did Peter Golystein cause a very strong embarrassment? Yes an acute embarrassment. humiliating a)In a humiliating situation what do you feel? Ashamed b)Did the homeless man have good experience? No humiliating experience conscious 1)What is the synonym? Aware 2)Was Gloystein conscious of his mistake? Yes Bright 1)When you become bright red in your face, what are you feeling?Embarrassed 2)What is the opposite? Dark blush 1) Did Gloystein blush? Yes 2) How do you know that? because he became red-faced. 8) Don't forget to DRILL the words show the STRESS. Part of SPEECH. 9) The right answers will be given in the second stage of vocabulary part because of regrouping technique.

Vocabulary practice exercise 2 (4-5 minutes) • To practice the lexical set

1) The answers are on the walls, Students will have to walk and find their answer keys. 2) T models," you have to find your answer key on your paper's color basic. Does this color go with this answer key? No. Where does this go? To red." There are 5 colors to have 5 groups if the number of the students are more than 18. Exe 2; 3) Now in your new groups discuss which mistake is the most embarrassing and which one is the least. ( It must be written on the board) ICQs: are you going to discuss on which order they go in? Yes Which one is number one? The most embarrassing Which one is the last number? The least embarrassing 4)Ss check if they agree with each other. FB. 5) Possible errors are on the bored.

Activation (6-7 minutes) • To personalize the context

Exe 3 1) The question is on the board. 'Do you know any other stories about embarrassing experiences?' 2) The students, in group of 4, talk about their experiences. 3) The teacher asks some students to share their ideas 4) Errors are corrected.

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