Shelley Mayes Shelley Mayes

Reading - James May's 20th Century
Intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss will learn about inventions of the 20th century. They will improve their reading skills through gist, prediction and vocabulary tasks.


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Main Aims

  • To provide reading practice using a text about 20th Century inventions

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of vocabulary relating to the text to aid in the comprehension of the reading


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I wash my clothes in a ____? I clean the floor using a ____? I drive to work in my ___? I bake a cake in the ___? I call my friends on my ___? I watch movies and shows on the ___? What are all these things I'm using? ___? Technology CCQs - Is there technology in this room? Yes. What? Photocopier/printer, lights, projector, computers. Did you use technology today? What? Do you use technology every day? Drill and write 'technology' as it is one of the main vocab words (unless already drilled and discussed at length during lesson 1 with Reza.

Vocabulary (3-5 minutes) • To pre-teach necessary vocab from the reading

Elicit the vocabulary from students. Then CCQ, drill and write on the board. Technology (Elicited, checked, drilled and written during lead in) Twentieth Century Fashion Invention Rock Music

Prediction Task (2-3 minutes) • Ss begin to consider what the topic of the text is about and build interest through anticipation

GW - Ss just look at the title and the picture and try to predict what the text is about. Discuss. Ss then read just the first sentence (individually). Ss make a new, more informed prediction and compare to their original prediction. Discuss in groups.

Pre-Reading (5-7 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Ex1A and 1B - Ss gist read the text and tick the inventions (vocab from lesson one with Reza) which is mentioned in the text. Ask students to try to find other inventions in the article too. Tell Ss not to worry about difficult new words at this stage. Just look over the article quickly for the inventions. 4 minutes. Ask students, how many of the words can you find in 4 minutes? Who can find the most words? CCQs: Will you read every word? No. How many minutes? 4 Feedback: Early finishers come up and tick the inventions vocab they found and write any new inventions from the text. Other Ss can come up and add to it as they finish. Answer Key: electricity, the computer (computer networks), motorbikes, space travel The article also talks about: cars, cinema, television, high-rise buildings, new fabrics. electric guitar. amplifier

While-Reading (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading task

Reading Ex2- Ss read the text for gist and answer questions. This time, rather than reading for specific vocabulary, Ss are reading for a general comprehension of the text. Tell Ss not to worry about difficult vocab. 6 minutes. Ss discuss and compare their answers in pairs. 2 minutes. Feedback: 6 Ss are handed one answer each and asked to read question and the answer to the class. Answer Key: 1 The military or the rich. 2 Long-distance travel became easier (more affordable) and inventions such as the cinema, television and computer brought the world to us. 3 They have become bigger and taller. More people are moving into cities and technology has improved. so the buildings are getting taller. 4 It was cheaper and more colourful than other materials. 5 Motorbikes give teenagers a sense of freedom, because they can travel away from home. 6 The electric guitar

Post-Reading (8-12 minutes) • To provide Ss with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Discuss Ex3B- PW - Ss discuss what they believe have been the most important pieces of technology invented in the last 100 years (eg. medicine, education, home, travel) If time allows: PW - Ss discuss and create one invention. They must create a name for their invention, describe it's purpose and decide how much they can sell their invention for.

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