Yasemin Salem Yasemin Salem

Teaching Practice 3 - Living in Fear
B2 - Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, the students will practice their reading skills, both for gist and detail. The context of the lesson is fear and phobias. For the warmer, I will ask for four volunteers. Each volunteer will be named as a monster. The class will be divided into four groups and they will guess the name of the monster. From this activity, I will elicit the words fear and phobia. They will then dive into the main aim where they will read an article about the facts concerning fears and phobias and learn to differentiate the two. The sub aim is vocabulary where the students will focus on 'word building'. For both aims, there will be targeted activities to test their skills.


Abc Handout - student book
Abc Handout - Workbook
Abc Monster Cards

Main Aims

  • To practice reading for gist and detail in the context of 'fear and phobias'.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Vocabulary 'word building' in the context of fear and phobias.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The context of the lesson will be Fear. I will not be telling the Ss this. We will start the lesson with an activity. I will ask for four volunteers. They will each be given a card with either vampire, werewolf, zombie or ghost written on it. I will then divide the class into 4 groups and assign one of my monster volunteers to each group. The object of the game is for the Ss to guess, using yes or no questions, what the volunteer is. The students will only know that the volunteer is a noun. They will have 3 minutes maximum. This will be followed by a class discussion where I will elicit the word 'Fear' and 'Phobia' from the class.

Pre-Reading (2-3 minutes) • To clarify any confusion the students might have with the vocabulary or slang used in the article.

-I will go over any vocabulary or slang that the students might find challenging or confusing that is relevant to the article such as phobics/ phobia, anxious, claustrophobia, hereditary, etc.

Lead-In (3-4 minutes) • To familiarise the students with the context of the article and brainstorm.

The Ss will try to answer the questions in exercise 1 of the reading section in pairs, prior to having read the article. This will be useful for them as some of the Ss would not have had any experience or prior knowledge of the subject. It would be an interesting brainstorming activity. It will also enable the students to know what to look out for in the article later on and prepare them to answer the questions accurately. This will be followed by whole class feedback.

Gist Reading (4-5 minutes) • To have the Ss read the article and get a general idea to complete an exercise.

The Ss will be given a few minutes to skim the article in order to be able to gather information to correctly and accurately complete the questions from exercise 1 of the Reading section. They will be given a limited amount of time, as it is 'Gist' reading.

Detail Reading (4-6 minutes) • To get the students to focus to the details of the article and complete an exercise.

The students will complete exercise 2 where they will be asked to match the questions from exercise 1 to the paragraphs marked A-E of the article. Meaning, which paragraph answers the questions from exercise 1. Following the exercise, I will have them discuss their findings in pairs. This will be followed by whole class feedback.

Post-Reading Task (3-5 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

The students will complete exercise 3 of the reading section where sentences are provided and they will use them to fill in blanks numbered 1-7 in the text. This is a good lesson to test the students' understanding of sentence structures and also additional practice for focusing on detail of sentences as clues. The students will work on this activity in pairs. This will be followed by feedback. This task might be a little challenging for some of the students and I would like to practice guided learning in the exercise should there be any difficulties.

Focus on Vocabulary (3-5 minutes) • To get the students, through guided learning, to practice vocabulary building.

The students will complete exercise 1 of the vocabulary section where they will be asked to fill in a table. For each line, a single word is given as a clue as to how to fill in the blank spaces provided for nouns, adjectives and negative adjectives. For example, the word fearless is given as a negative adjective, resulting in the missing words to be 'fear' and 'fearful'. This will be follwed by peer checking and whole class feedback. After the activity I would like to review suffixes with the class.

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • Further practice of vocabulary building.

The students will complete exercise 2 of the Vocabulary section. In this task, the students will use the words in the table from exercise 1 to fill in the blanks for sentences. This will be a challenging exercise for the students as the would have similar words in different parts of speech and would have to understand the grammar of the sentences correctly. I am confident that the majority of the class will be able to accomplish the task with minor stumbling. The students will work in pairs for this activity. This will be followed by whole class feedback.

Freer Practice (3-5 minutes) • Have the students independently show what they have learnt by discussing the topic and personalising it.

The students will be asked to complete exercise 3 of the reading section where they will be replacing the italicised phrases from exercise 2 and replacing them with sentences that are true for the students. I will start by first asking the students to work individually for a few minutes and then peer check with their partners. This will be followed by whole class feedback.

Extra Practice (4-8 minutes) • Further practice exercises should there be any free time

I am concerned that this lesson will finish early. As a result, I have prepared a few extra activities for the students to complete should this be the case. From the student workbook, I have selected exercises 1 and 2 for further word building practice. In exercise 1, the Ss will complete words with the correct suffix that is provided in the box. This should take between 2-4 minutes. In exercise, the Ss will be completing a text with an appropriate form of a word that is already provided. This too will take between 2-4 minutes. The students will work in pairs for both activities and will be followed by whole class feedback.

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