Leigh Davidson Leigh Davidson

Teaching Practice 8b - Holiday in Malta
Elementary level


This lesson will build upon the previous lesson's teaching context--future plans (going to) that one will do on holiday. I will focus specifically on Malta, providing the Ss with listening exercises that describe activities people can do and places people can visit in Malta. This information will support the final writing exercise--a postcard to a friend, describing plans of the Ss during their vacation in Malta.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of gist and detailed listening, in the teaching context of going on a holiday to Malta--the activities you can do there as well as the places you can visit.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of a postcard, using the "going to" verbal phrase to describe plans one has while on holiday.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Write on the WB "Malta" and stick some pictures of places and activities that can be done in Malta on the WB. Tell the Ss, "You are going to go to Malta. Does anyone know where Malta is?" "These are some things you can do in Malta." Point to the pictures and ask the Ss what they already know--sort of as a pre-test for the vocabulary stage.

Pre-Listening Exercise: Detailed Reading (5-8 minutes) • To prepare Ss for the listening exercise and make it accessible

Distribute the HO to the WC. "Alone, look at this image and answer the questions." Once the Ss have completed the exercise on their own, "Now check your answers with your partner." Write the answer key on the WB. Focus in on "Climate" and "Economy." Ask the WC: "Does Istanbul have rainy winters and hot summers? What kind of climate is in Turkey?" "What is the economy like in Istanbul? How does Istanbul make most of its money?" "So 'Climate' is....? And 'Economy' is...?" ICs: "Are you doing this alone or with your partner."

Pre-teach essential vocabulary before the listening exercise (5-8 minutes) • To prepare Ss for the listening exercise and make it accessible

In groups, have the Ss match cut outs of the vocabulary word on one paper, and the definition on another. When the Ss have completed the exercise, distribute a HO, with the image matched to the vocabulary word. "See if your definitions are correct; change them if need be." Ask some CCQs from the Language Analysis if confusion is apparent among the Ss. Perhaps you may need to quickly point out the differences between a "castle," a "temple," a "church," and a "monument"--and the similarities between a "museum" and an "art gallery."

While-Listening Task #1 (7-10 minutes) • To provide Ss practice with a gist listening task

Distribute the coursebook HO. "First, you will fold this like so. Look at Listening Exercise 1. Alone, listen to 7 people talk about going to Malta on holiday. Circle one of the options for each speaker. We will do 1 together." Once the exercise is complete, have the Ss peer-check with their partner. Elicit the answer from the Ss, having them come up to the WB and write it down. ICQs: "Are we doing this alone, or together? How many people are we listening to speak about Malta?"

While-Listening Task #2 (9-12 minutes) • To provide Ss practice with a detailed listening task

"We are going to listen to the 7 people again, talking about their trip to Malta. This time, make notes about their plans for their trip to Malta. Do this alone." This task might require a second listening. When the Ss have completed the exercise, have them peer-check with their partner. ICQs: "Are we doing this alone or with our partner?" "What are we listening for? Are we listening for what each person wants to do in Malta?"

Post-Listening Exercise: Write A Postcard (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Put the pictures, at the beginning of the lesson, back on the WB. "Imagine that you have traveled to Malta. You are going to write a postcard, to your friend, describing what you plan to do while in Malta. Use the "going to" phrase you practiced with Can. Here is an example. Write at least 10 sentences, on your own." ICQs: "How many sentences are you going to write? Are you doing this alone or with your partner? What are you writing about? Are you writing something different from the example?" Note: If there is extra time, have the Ss swap their writing samples and instruct them to proof-read their peer's postcard. Was the "going to" verbal phrase used correctly? Following peer-checking, have the Ss respond to the postcard as if they are the friend. Then return to the original author and have them read the response.

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