Teaching Practice 8
Elementary level


In this lesson, which focuses mainly on grammar, students become familiar with the formation of past simple questions, specifically the ones which start with 'Wh-question word'. The lesson starts with an integrated reading and listening task, introducing the grammar point in the context of 'Storm chasing'. This is followed by a grammar task which contains couple of exercises for Ss' practice.


Abc 'Reading and Listening' and Grammar Handouts

Main Aims

  • To familiarize students with the past simple questions specifically the ones which start with 'Wh-question word' in the context of 'storm chasing' and give controlled and semi-controlled practices in them via grammar exercises.

Subsidiary Aims

  • to give Ss practice in reading and listening for specific information and detail


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To introduce the topic via a quick discussion

The teacher writes the following questions on the board and asks the students to discuss in pairs. Then she gets FB quickly by nominating some of the students. Questions: What do you do in your free time? Why do you do it? Where do you do it? Do you have any special equipment?

Reading and Listening (exercise 2) (5-8 minutes) • Diagnosing Specific Information by listening to the recording and reading the passage

The T elicits the meaning of 'storm-chasing' by using gestures and making a situation. Then, she asks the students to read an interview with a man who went storm-chasing with a friend. The students should complete the interview, using phrases in exercise two, in pairs. Then she asks the students to listen to the recording to check their answers. Then she provides the answer key on the board.

Grammar/Clarification (5-10 minutes) • To familiarize Ss with past simple questions and the ones starting with 'Wh-question word'

The T writes the following present simple questions on the board: Why do you do it? , Do you have any special equipment? Then, she asks the Ss what time these questions refer to. (The answer is: Present). Then she asks them how the questions would be different in the past.Then she writes the correct form on the board and asks the students to check their idea with it. She uses hand gestures to express the questions relate to the past. This way she clarifies the meaning. Then she underlines the auxiliary verbs to point at the only difference in sentences which is the tense of the auxiliary verb. She doesn't explain but rather elicits this difference from the students.This way she clarifies the Form. Then, she draws the intonation line on the board. She reads the 'Wh' question aloud and shows 'falling' hand gesture to emphasize that 'Wh' questions are pronounced with a falling intonation while 'Yes/No' questions are pronounced in a rising intonation. This way she clarifies the pronunciation.

Grammar/Controlled practice of Form (8-10 minutes) • To practice the Form via a controlled exercise

The T asks the students to look at exercise 2 in the HO and correct the questions in pairs. Then she gets FB by nominating the students, come to the board and write the correct answers.

Grammar/Controlled practice of meaning (8-10 minutes) • To practice the Meaning via a controlled exercise

The T asks the students to go to exercise one, and correct the sentences according to the text, in pairs. Then she gets FB by providing the Ss with handouts.

Grammar/Semi-controlled practice (5-8 minutes) • To practice the grammar previously taught via a semi-controlled exercise

The T asks the Ss to write three questions referring to past events and to ask their partner. Then she gets FB by asking some of the students. In this stage, the T monitors carefully and corrects student's errors.

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