Cansu Cansu

Teaching Practise 8
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be able to learn relative clauses in the light of guided discovery approach. The context is about the place of computers and machines in our lives. During the lead-in stage, students will watch a short video clip about facts related to computers and try to see if they know these facts. Before guided discovery, the students are going to solve a quiz, match the terms related to computers with their definitions in order to see how good they are at computers. During the guided discovery stage, students will fill in the gaps to infer the meaning of relative clauses and they will join couple of sentences using relative pronouns in order to use the form in a correct way. For the semi-controlled practice, students will match some cut-ups in order to create relative clauses. For the final stage, students will be divided into groups and provided by little notes each including objects, places, or jobs for them to tell each other using relative pronouns. By doing so teacher will be able to monitor how they produce the target language and students will be able to improve their fluency.


Abc WB
Abc Hand out
Abc Notes for speaking stage
Abc Cut-ups
Abc Laptop and projector
Abc Quiz

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of relative clauses in the context of computers and machines

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice through talking about jobs, people, places and objects in the context of computers and machines


Warmer/Lead In (3-4 minutes) • To set the lesson context and engage students

1. Teacher greets the students. 2. Teacher tells students that they will watch a short video about computers and asks question; "Do you know the facts about computers?" 3. After watching the video, she elicits some answers from students.

Pre-Grammar Reading (4-5 minutes) • To provide reading for detail

1. Teacher does chesting and tells students "You will do a quiz about computers. Match the words with their definitions." 2. Teacher gives the hand outs and sets time limit, 3 minutes. "You have 3 minutes." 3. Teacher writes down the answers on the board and asks them to check their answers.

Meaning and form (8-10 minutes) • To check understanding and clarify the meaning and form

1. Teacher does chesting of the hand out related to meaning and form and tells students that they will do the exercise 1. "Fill in the gaps with who, which/that, where or whose." Teacher gives them 2 minutes. 2. Teacher wants them to check their answers in pairs. Then she writes down the answers on the board and allows them to check their answers. She monitors them if there is a misunderstanding. 3. Teacher wants them to turn out the hand out and do the exercise 2. "You will join two sentences by using who, which/that, where, or whose." She shows the example for them to get the main idea of the activity. She gives them 4 minutes. While students are doing the exercise teacher writes down two marker sentences on the board to do drilling for the next stage. 4. Teacher wants them to check their answers in pairs. Afterwards she nominates them in order to get the answers, and she corrects them on the spot when there is an error. 5. Teacher asks them if they know what the sentence they have produced is called. "Do you know the specific name for this sentence in grammar?" She tries to elicit some answers, if they do not know, she gives them the answer, "relative clauses".

Pronunciation (2-3 minutes) • To provide pronunciation practice and drilling in the target language

1. Teacher drills using back-chaining and using gestures to highlight the stress and elision in pronunciation. "A technophobe is a person who doesn’t like machines." "A mouse is a small object which moves with your hands."

Semi-controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To get students practice what they have learnt and to prepare them for more meaningful practise

1. Teacher divides students into two groups. If they are more in number, there may be three groups. She shows them the cut-ups, and tells them, "You will match the cut ups to create relative clauses." 2. She delivers the cut ups for each group. She gives them 4 minutes. 3. When they are done, she wants them to check answers with other group. 4. Teacher gives them the answer key to check their answers.

Free Practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide students speaking activity by using the target language

1. Teacher divides the class into two groups. If they are more in number, they will be three groups. She shows them the closed paper piles. They consist different objects, jobs, places, or things related to the context of the lesson. She tells them, "Each of you will pick up a paper and explain the things written using relative clauses." 2. Teacher does a demo. She gives the example of "kettle". "A kettle is a machine which boils water." 3. While they are speaking, teacher takes the notes of the errors they make, in order to clarify them during the delayed feedback session.

Delayed Feedback Stage (2-4 minutes) • To provide delayed feedback for the errors made during the fluency activity

1. Teacher writes down the errors she recognized during the practice stages. 2. She wants students to correct themselves by self-correction. If they find it hard, she encourages them stressing the error by using facial gestures. For the pronunciation errors, she does drilling as a whole class.

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