Gizem Seref Gizem Seref

Articles Grammar Lesson
Intermediate, B1 level


In this lesson, the ss will clarify and practise the knowledge of articles in detail. Firstly, they will talk about some quotes from different sexes and try to match guess which sex says that quote. After the discussion about it, the ss will analyze the quotes, in the means of definite and indefinite articles. After that they will revise their knowledge about the form of the target language, will practise pronunciation of strong and weak forms of the indefinite articles and the intrusion sound in "the", the definite article. Finally, they will move on to the controlled and free practise stage and will try to talk about the context given to them using all the articles.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of definite and indefinite articles in the context of men and women talk

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a discussion in the context of men and women


Lead In (1-3 minutes) • To make the ss think about the context and to give them the TL subliminally

- The T greets the students and hangs the marker sentences on the board. - The T asks students to discuss whether the sentences belong to a man or a woman with their groups. - The t elicits answers and moves on to the next stage.

Exposure/Meaning Stage (5-7 minutes) • To make the ss understand the meaning of the TL

- The T gets the students in pairs. - The T does chesting for the activity. - The T gives the instruction. "Now, with your pair discuss and answer the questions. You have 5 minutes." - The T elicits the answers and finishes the stage.

Exposure/Form Stage (1-2 minutes) • To make the students understand the form

- The T asks students to give her one example sentence from the meaning task. - She writes it on the board and asks students; "Where do we put "a, an, the"; the articles"? - She receives some answers and writes the actual form.

Exposure/Pronunciation Stage (5-6 minutes) • To make the students pronounce correctly

- The T writes two sentences from the quotes on the board. - She does drilling for the sentences with the whole class. - The T asks ladies to say the sentence. - The T asks gentlemen to say the sentence. - The T asks one group to say the sentence. - The T asks the other group to say they sentence. - The T asks the students to get in pairs and discuss if they recognized any change in "the" between the two sentences. They have one minute for that. - The T elicits some answers and moves on to the a and an paradigm. - The T explains the strong and weak forms of the indefinite articles.

Controlled Practise (8-10 minutes) • To provide students a restricted practise of the target language

- The T does chesting for the hand out about two dialogues about two men and two women talking to each other. - The T gives the instruction. "There are two dialogues in this hand out. Put the articles a an the to their right places. You have 5 minutes." - When the time is up, the T gets the students in pairs and lets them check each others' answers. They have two minutes for this part. - When they are finished with checking, the T elicits the answers and moves on to the semi-controlled practise.

Free Practise Stage (12-15 minutes) • To make the ss personalize the context and give them the chance to use the TL on their own

- The T separates the class into two groups. In each group, there must be one man. - The T gives the instruction. "With your group, prove the article you have read wrong! Now, I will give you a concept but please do not look at them." - The T continues; "You will talk about the concepts using the articles we saw. You have 3 minutes to think and 2 minutes per person to talk."

Feedback Stage (3-5 minutes) • To make the ss realize their errors and make correction on them

- While the students are on the free practise stage, the T makes notes on the mistakes the students make. - When she finishes the activity, she tells the students that all of them did a good job and then says "I don't remember who said this but I would like to share these sentences with you." - Then she writes the first error correction sentence on the board. She lets the students find the error and lets them correct it. - If there are any other errors related to the TL, she does the same.

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