Fatemeh Fatemeh

Explain a change in life and work choices.
Top notch 3A, lesson 4, part 1 level


In this lesson the students will use Future in the past grammar structure to make conversations describing past plans and beliefs. But before they start working on productive skills, they will have to listen to conversation models to get familiar with this structure and develop their receptive skills. After that they will have two writing practices to complete. They will also be provided with new vocabulary they will have to use in further conversations.


Abc Marker, CD, pictures, pages I'll teach, PC, LP, answer of practice c on a paper

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Future in the past in the context of plans and beliefs

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversations in the context of what they've been up to


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Engage students by starting a discussion. Ask them: How do you spend your days? What have you been up to? I've been busy with my exams, what about you? Do you go to collage or...? Call names involve everybody No error correction It's a whole class discussion

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible. Pre-teach vocabulary

1)Long time no see: show a picture or draw sick figures of two friends meeting and shaking hands. CCQs: What do we say when we meet sb we haven's seen for a long time? Long time no see. Write it on the board. ask them to repeat it 2 times. then say: can we say long times no see? How about long time no see for 4 years? No 2)Not bad: The two friends in the above picture start talking. Adam asks Sam how he's doing. Sam says "not bad". CCQs: what does that mean? does it mean Sam's doing great or just fine? just fine 3)No kidding: Sam asks Adam what he's been up to. Adam says he's going to law school. Sam says "No kidding!! that's great!" CCQs: what does that mean? Is he surprised or is he making a joke? 4)Make a living as...: Adam says "what about you?". Sam says "I'm working in a restaurant. I make a living as a waiter". CCQs what does make a living as sth mean? does it mean earning an income from a job, or does it mean he's alive? can we use "earn a living by sth"? yes

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Ask students to listen and play the CD. ask following questions and play the CD: 1)what are they talking about? (gist) 2)who are they? are they friends? Play it gain and ask: 1)what school is Art in? (specific info) 2)why is Ben surprised? 3)why did Art change his mind?

Post-Reading/Listening (2-5 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned. speaking for fluency.

Ask them: is it hard to make a living as an artist? what do you think? which jobs have the good incomes? whole class discussion.

listening grammar (8-15 minutes) • Pre-teaching Grammar for further convesation practices

I tell a story when I was younger I thought i was going to be a lawyer. I studied very hard, but i changed my mind and decided that i want to become a doctor. CCQs: Did i want to be a lawyer in the past? Yes Do i still want to be a lawyer? No Why didn't i become a lawyer? Because you changed your mind. Then ask them to underline the future in the past form in the conversation model. Ask them to look read part A. Give them drills with changing slots: She was going to move abroad. he we were going to change our house. buy a new car. become teachers. I thought I would pass the test, but i failed. we get married.

controlled practice (10-15 minutes) • Turn future past simple past.

look at part B. ICQs: what are we going to do? change future past to simple past. CCQs: what is new years resolution? is it their new year's goals and aims? do we choose them before or after the new year? do the first one together. Ivan says: "i'm going to stop smoaking". what structure is this? future past Ivan was going to smoke. do the rest check with partner give 3 students a marker to write the answers on the board if answeres are wrong: first prompt for self correction, then ask if anyone can say what the problem is...

semi controlled practice. (6-10 minutes) • future in past for knowledge or belief.

first ask them to take a quick look. CCQs what do we have to do?... do the first example with them give them 5 minutes to do the rest peer check i'll stick the answers on the wall and tell them to check.

Discussion (10-15 minutes) • free practice

In groups of 3 discuss the goals you had when you were young. Talk about the plans or beliefs you had that changed. for example: I always believed i would get a car when i turn 18, but i didn't raise the money. ICQs: how are you gonna form your sentences? using future in past. give them 5-10 minutes. monitor the class for good and bad language. ask students of their friend's plans and belifes. write the good and bad language on the board. give repetition on the good ones and ask for corrections for the bad language.

listening about reasons for changing your mind (5-10 minutes) • pre teach new vocabulary

Ask them to just look at the pictures 1)taste changed show the first picture, say: she used to like rock music but now she likes classical music. her taste...(elicit) CCQs does she still like rock music? nowhy? because her taste changed. 2)make a living second picture. is he happy? is he going to be an artist? why? because it's hard to make a living as an artist 3)pass the exam did she apply for the law exam? yes did she get accepted? no why? because she didn't pass 4)talk out of sth what did she want to be? a fire fighter did her family agree? No so what did they do? they talked her out of it. Then ask them to listen to each part and repeat after it. focus on intonation

listening comprehension (5-10 minutes) • reason for changing ones mind. controlled practice

look at instructions. what are we going to do? what are we listening for? listen and write why each person changer his or her mind. let's do the first one together. pause after each conversation

conversation pair work • freer practice.

Imagine you're a person who changes his or her mind all the time. Now you're hopeless and want to suicide!!! You're talking to your friend about the plans you had made all along. You can use the conversation models we had so far to write a conversation at least three lines. you can use speech balloons given. ICQs... get the conversations they wrote and check them at home...

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