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Ünal efe Assessed Teaching Practice 6
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn the different meanings of modifier “quite”. I begin my lesson relating to the text. They are supposed to find and underline all the examples of “quite” in the text. I will elicit from students what kind of words come after quite (adjective, adverb or a noun). When we are done, I will project a picture on WB which includes the different meanings of “quite” and distribute some example sentences. I will check if they know how to use this modifier. They need to match the sentences with their meanings. After that, I give a short explanation by using intonation. I will ask them some easy questions to check if they understand or not. This will be followed by a few exercises and finally, they will work in pairs and do a speaking activity.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the different uses of the modifier "quite" in the context of power and money

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice which will be connected to the semi controlled practice in the context of power and money


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will begin the lesson by relating it to the text. I will ask students to find and underline all the examples of “quite” in the text. I will elicit from students what kind of words come after "quite" (adjective, adverb or a noun).

Test #1 (3-4 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

When we are done, I will project a picture on WB which includes the different meanings of “quite” and distribute some handouts which include example sentences. They need to match the sentences with their meanings. ICQs: Are you going to match? Are you going to work with your partner?

Teach (10-13 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

Meaning After matching activity, I will project some short dialogues on the board. I will read the sentences aloud by paying attention to my intonations and elicit from the students the different meanings of the modifier"quite" After each dialogue, I will ask students some concept check questions."Does it mean completely or a little bit?" , "Does it mean a large amount or a little amount?" Form I will write some sentences on the board to teach student the use of the modifier"quite" I quite agree with you. This sentence is quite easy to understand. He spent quite a lot of Money. We always use it before adjectives, adverbs, verbs and quantifiers. Pronunciatiion As I assumed, students may get confused about the pronunciatiion of two words "quite" and "quiet". They also have different meanings. We will do drilling and I will explain the meaning of "quiet".

Test #2 (4-7 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again

When we are done, I will distribute a handout to check if they understand or not. After that, students will move to the controlled practice 2 on page 71. This will be followed by the semi controlled practice 3 on page 71. I will ask students to read the statements and write an amount of money for each of them.

Free practice (5-11 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

When the students finish the semi controlled pactice, I will put them in pairs and I will ask them to compare their answers with their partners. "Do you agree with your partner ?" "Is it too much money?" Before I set up the activity, I will demonstrate it. ICQs: Are you going to write? Are you going to work in a group?

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To do error correction

I will distribute HOs to the students. They will do it individually. After that we will correct the mistakes on the board. ICQs: Are you going to work in pairs? Aree you going to put the words in order?

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