serdar yilmaz serdar yilmaz

Serdar Yılmaz / 12.04.2016 / İntermediate level / Reading-Vocabulary
İntermediate Level level


In this lesson, students will be able to improve their receptive skills based on a text about a during-after redundancy story of Zoe Chambers and talk about some phrasal verbs with live.


Abc Students Book 2C

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about Zoe Chambers in the context of redundancy

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of phrasal verbs with live in the context of gap fill activity


Warmer / Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • Setting up the lesson context and engaging students to TL.

* Classroom sitting arrangements. * Teacher will greet students and will ask: ' If you want to make more money, where would you work? In a big city or in a town by country side?' Students will reply: 'City!' T: 'Why?'. Teacher will accept all the answers and praise students who is involving. *On the projector, Twill show two sets of pictures and instruct students to look at the pictures and tell me about two different life styles! Pictures are about big city with pollution and farm with happy people. Student will come up with ideas. T will accept them all and praise students.

Pre- Reading for Gist (14-15 minutes) • Preparing students for the context

*T: I'd like to introduce you to Zoe Chamber. She is a lovely lady with an interesting life story. I want you to guess about her story.' *T will put Zoe Chamber's picture and story heading on the projector. *T will point on the heading ' Redundancy was the best thing that ever happened to me' and tell students to guess what her story is about. Predict what has happened in her life! VOCABULARY: *T: But to do this i want to talk about the word 'redundancy'. T: 'Can anybody tell me what redundancy means?' . Students may guess and describe or not. 1) Meaning: Teacher will try to elicit the meaning by asking, using similar words or using words with opposite meanings. Last, if it is still not clear T will be acting dictionary, this may cause some TTT but it is necessary on this situation. T: 'when your employer makes you stop working because there is not enough work, you haven't done anything wrong but they don't need your work anymore!' For example: the factory's workers face redundancy'. T will show another sentence by the projector. 2) CCQs: 'redundancy, is it a good or bad thing to be happening?'bad ' After redundancy, do i have any job or i am still working?' no job ' When your boss talks about redundancy, does he/she need you anymore?'no ' Did you do anything wrong to lost your job?'no 'Do you feel angry or happy?'angry 3)Drill: T : ' okay everybody...redundancy...T will drill it whole class choral drilling. 4)Word redundancy. T will talk about stress and syllables : re-dun-dan-cy ( plural noun or compound noun?) PLURAL NOUN * Teacher will show the text again......T: If redundancy is a bad thing that gets you angry so why do we have a heading like this? Students will start guessing and T will accept every answer and praise students.

Pre- Reading for Prediction ( skimming ) (4-5 minutes) • Using Prediction as a Prereading Strategy / prepare students for the text.

* Teacher will give hand outs for the next task. The first and the last paragraph of the text about Zoe Chamber. * It is a pair work. Work with your partner and guess about her story. *Teacher will ask for any idea, anybody wants to have a guess? ...... 'Who is Kathy? * Students will come up with their predictions. Teacher will praise them for the taking part.

While-Reading ( scanning ) (15-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging, detailed reading tasks.

* Teacher will give handout for the next task. Teacher will give completed text about Zoe Chamber. Students will finally see the whole story. *Teacher will ask: 'Read the article about Zoe who has moved from the city to the country. Answer these questions' * Students will answer the questions in their groups and T will collect the answers by asking or nominating. *Teacher will give next task handouts. *Read the article again and put the phrases from a to g in the gaps between 1 and 7. * Group activity. *Students may need some vocabulary support ( for example:blushed, embarrassment ). (look at on the language analysis) *Teacher will get answers from the groups and give feedback on answer key. Error correction if necessary.

Post-Reading (4-5 minutes) • Feedback and closing the reading task to a conclusion.

*Teacher will give final handout for the lesson. *Pairwork. *Discuss the questions with your partner that ' Are you happy with your lifestyle? why or why not?' Also ' Would you like to make a radical change to your lifesyle? What kind of change?' *Teacher will collect some dialogue and get pairs to share them with the class. *Teacher will thank you for the day and pass lesson to next teacher ( Elham).

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