maliheh60 maliheh60

TP. Apr8
Intermediate level


In today's lesson, some phrases taught last session will be reviewed in the same context. The students will learn the 'past perfect' tense maintaining the previous lesson's context through guided discovery. Controlled and freer practice, in the form of anecdote, will also be provided.


Abc handout3
Abc handout 2
Abc picture
Abc handout1
Abc Handout 4
Abc handout 5

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of past perfect in the context of Travel

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in the form of information gap and anecdote in the context of travel


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

at the very first, T will ask ss to put their previous reading text away. T will then show the ss a photo of Nick Campbell, whom they have been well-acquainted with from the previous lesson reading text, to elicit his name. Then, ss will brainstorm anything they know or remember about him and his journey. T will review some of the just learned phrases, related to the mentioned character and his story, through a pair work game. T will give each pair a handout with some blanked sentences about Nick Campbell and put the answers on the floor around the front of class. Ss and their partner should approach them with their handouts to just look at the answer sheets on the floor and write it down in the blanks. The words are paired which will actually be separately lain down to make the activity more challenging. T will add that the first pair getting all the answers correctly will win and shout 'stop' for the others to sit down. T will check if they have got all the answers right. Then some ss read the completed sentences.

Exposure (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through some extacts from the previous reading text

T will set groups of three and refer the ss to Nick's story to answer three questions asking his location across three different events. Groups will receive a handout with the three questions to answer in only 2 minutes. ICQ: "will you read the text in detail?", ss: "no" "what words will you look for in the text?", ss: "names of places" "will you have all the time in the world?!", ss: "no, just 2 minutes" ;) Meanwhile, T will draw Nick's route from Miami to San Francisco on the board. When the time is up, T will stop ss and ask some to give the answers. T will then point to the route on the board and ask if they guess what it is. Then, T will raise next handouts containing extracts from Nick's story and a copy of the route on the top part, and a different version of the route on the bottom. T will instruct ss to first fold the handouts up after the extracts, not to be distracted by the time line. Ss will have to write the name of one city from the route by each event. They can take a peek at the text when really stuck. T will refer to the first event done as an example. ICQ: "what do you do first, when receive the handout?", ss: "we will fold it up after the extracts/sentences" "can you look at the text to find the answer?", ss: "yes, but very quickly" T will give each group of ss one handout to do the task. T will get a FB from each group by asking them check with the neighboring group. T will monitor and correct errors. Then, ss will be asked to unfold their handouts and look at the new version of the same route which is straight and has a rectangular box above each city. Ss will be required to put the letter of each event in the corresponding city box. T will refer to Atlanta box which is marked by 'a' as an example. The ss will do the activity in their already shaped groups of three. When done, ss will have leave their papers on the tables and get up to check the other groups answers.T will monitor and ask all to check with the handout he/she has found correctly answered.

Highlighting and clarification (5-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the TL and clarify the meaning, form, and pronunciation of the TL

T, then, will ask which box has got the oldest events to elicit "Miami box". T will ask 'why' to elicit: "because the events in Miami happened before all the other events described". T will require the ss to underline the verbs in those three events and ask for an example from the extracts to write on the board with combination of a simple past sentence (eg. he had dreamt of crossing the US before he bought his motorbike). Then, one student will come to the board voluntarily to underline the 'past perfect' and simple past in the sentence. After, T will point to 'had', 'dreamt' , and 'bought' to elicit "had", "past participle", and "simple past" respectively. Ss will also say it is 'past perfect'. T will ask how else they can say the sentence to elicit "he'd dreamt of crossing the US". T will model and drill it. Next, T will elicit the words ss hear louder (i.e. 'dreamt', 'crossing', 'US') to point out the sentence stress and then put circles over the words. T will model and drill again. T will ask "had Nick dreamed of crossing Australia?" to elicit "no, he hadn't dreamt of crossing Australia". T will ask ss to repeat, then, will elicit the sentence stress (i.e. 'hadn't', 'dreamt', 'crossing', and 'Australia').

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T will raise handouts prepared for controlled practice for student A and student B in two different colors and tell the ss that it is a story happened in an airplane, as the image featuring two pilots inside an airplane, but has some missing verbs; they need to use the clues to make the most appropriate forms of the verbs in the blanks individually. T will remind that it is an individual task that should be done in 5 minutes. ICQ: "do you use verbs from outside the text?", ss: "no, from the clues" Then, T will ask the half of class sitting on the right to come and take one set of handouts and the ones on the left the other set of handouts which is in a different color. T will monitor. after 5 minutes, T will stop ss and say that the story of both colors is the same but each color has the other color sheets' missing verbs and vice versa. Ss will have to stand up and find a different color partner to read out their story to him/her to be checked by their partner and vice versa. T will monitor and correct errors appropriately.

Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T will set the scene by showing a picture of a man sitting in an airport with a sad gesture. Ss will say "a man at an airport". T will tell the students that the man is Michael and they are going see some incomplete sentences about his story; they will have to continue each sentence as they wish but in the correct form. T will model the first sentence as a model, then, give each pair of students a handout to think and do the task together ORALLY. ICQ: "will u write your answers in the blanks?", ss: "no, we should talk about the answers" T will monitor and correct errors appropriately. When almost all done, pairs of ss stand up and find other pairs to share their anecdotes with them. A flexi activity for possible extra time will be extended from the previous one about personal anecdote of the ss in an airport, party, a new country etc. They can get ideas from Michael's or start as they wish. T will monitor and correct errors as needed.

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