Robert Spoden Robert Spoden

TP8: Robert's Speaking Lesson
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will get an opportunity to develop their skills in speaking accurately and fluently in the context of discussing movies and sharing their opinions. First, students will be exposed to target language having to do with giving opinions or showing interest. After that, students will get a chance to practice, first in pairs, then in small groups, talking to each other and expressing opinions about movies they have seen.


Abc Movie critiques

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of movies

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for giving opinions and describing things in the context of movies
  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about providing details and opinions in the context of movies
  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about facts and opinions in the context of movies


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ask the Ss if they go to the movies. Ask them what movies they have seen. Write three titles on the board. Ask them to describe what happened in these movies, who the stars are, who the directors are, etc.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Pass out movie critiques Ss read their movie. SOLO for a couple minutes Pass out questionnaire Ss get up and find a partner Ss share with each other their movies and answer the questions on their worksheets

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

We come back to the movies on the WB, Elicit TL from Ss for each attribute given for the three movies. Write it up on the WB Choral Drill and check for emphasis. Provide additional TL to cover what is not on the WS It’s called /əts kɑːld/ It was + /ət wəz/ Written /ˈrɪtn/ Directed /dəˈrektd/ Produced /prəˈduːsd/ + by /baɪ/ It’s by the same director as /əts baɪ ðə seɪm dərektɔːr əz/ It’s his/her third film …………../θrd fɪlm/ It stars … … /stʌrs/ It’s set in … /etˈset ən/ It’s based on … /ətsˈbeɪsd ɑːn/ It lasts / lasted (one and a half hours) …. /læsts/ /læstd/ The story is very /ðə stɔːriːs veriː/ simple/complicated. …. /kʌmpləkeɪtd/ It’s about /ətsˈəbaʊt/ The (acting/story/special effects) is/are brilliant/terrible /æktiːŋ//speʃel əfeks/ /brɪljənt//teərɪbl/ The best/worst thing about it is… /ðə wəʊrs ˈθiːŋ əbaʊd ət əz/ /ðə besˈθiːŋ əbaʊd ət əz/ Another thing I really liked/hated was … /ənəθr ˈθiːŋ aɪ rɪəliː laɪkt wəz/ /ənəθr ˈθiːŋ aɪ rɪəliː heɪtəd wəz/ One weak point was … /wən wiːk pɔɪnt wəz/ I’d recommend it to anyone who likes … /aɪd rekəmend ət tə ənɪwən huː laɪks/ I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone! /aɪ ˈwədnt rekəmend ət tə ənɪwən/

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Tell Ss to think about a movie they have seen. It can be a movie they like or do not like. The Ss work alone, writing down facts they know about this movie, and opinions they have. They use the questionnaire sheet as a guide. Ss are not writing complete sentences. Just the pieces of information. After a few minutes, the Ss find a partner. They take turns discussing their movie. Pair-groups are merged to form groups of four. Ss take turns discussing their movies.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Mistakes that were noted during monitoring in the last activity are shared with the Ss. They are written on the board. Ss are asked to clarify or correct in cases of meaning or form errors. Teacher guides and elicits this process. Pronunciation errors are corrected by choral drilling. Ss are asked to volunteer to describe their movie to the class and provide their opinion. Corrective FB provided P: Ss say /ˈɪt ˌɪs set ɪn/ Choral drill and check for emphasis M: Ss use this to describe only the time-period or only the place. Explain that while time-period or place alone can make for a complete sentence, it does not communicate enough information. “Its set in the 1800s.” Where? 1800s China and 1800s America were quite different. If we want to describe a place that has a time-period strongly associated with it, we use “it’s about” ie “it’s about the Titanic,” or “It’s about the Alamo.” See Form - F: Ss omit or misuse the article: “It’s set in the 1950,” “It’s set in 1950s” “It’s set in the China” Ss have trouble putting the time and place into this phrase. Explain that the word “during” can help: “It’s set in China during the 1960s” Or, the time-period can be used as an adjective: “It’s set in 1960s China” M: Ss might misuse this to describe place and time when they could use “its set in” Ss. Might be too specific ie “It’s based on Gettysburg”, “Its based on the sinking of the Titanic.” Emphasize that this describes the kind of story – is it true or not? If the story is true, then it is used to describe the event in broad detail, “it’s based on the civil war” If the story is not true, then it is used to name a book or an author who wrote a certain book. “Its based on Jurassic Park” It’s based on a book written by Michael Kriton” P: Ss say /ˈɪts ˌbʌset ɑːn/ P: Ss say /ˈɪt lʌst/ or /ˈɪt lʌstet/ Choral drill F: Ss. Say “one and a half hours it lasts” Explain the order. While this is technically correct, it does not sound right. It sounds like Yoda. M: Ss might think this means the last time they saw the film Explain this mean the length of the film. Use CCQs. P: Ss say /də stɔːriːˈɪs veriː/ Choral drill check for emphasis Ss say /kɔːmpləkeɪtet/ Choral drill M: Ss might use this to describe the type of film ie “its about an action film” Draw a box on the WB – the perimeter of the box is labeled with the type (action film) While the subject of the film (the Titanic) is written inside the box Ss might say /ˈɪts ʌbɔːʊˌt/ Choral drill, backchain, check for emphasis P: Ss might say /də ʌktɪnk ˈɪs/ or /də spesɪʌl efekəts ˈʌr/ Choral drill, check for emphasis. /ð/ is a difficult sound for Turks. Ss might say /terɪble/ or /brɪlɪʌnt/ Choral drill, backchain and check emphasis Ss might say /də beset tɪnk/ or / də vɔːrset tɪnk / Choral drill. Check emphasis. /θ/ and /ŋ/ Difficult for Turks, along with consonant clusters. M: Ss. Might think this conveys their opinion about the movie in general. Ie, this is the best movie; this is the worse movie. Use CCQs P: Ss say /ʌnɔːder ˈtɪnk ˌaɪ laɪket ˈvʌs/ Choral drill. Check emphasis. /θ/ and /ŋ/ Difficult for Turks, along with consonant clusters. P: Ss say /vən viːk pɔɪnt ˈwʌs/ Check for emphasis, choral drill M: Ss. Might think this means the actor was weak. Explain this is about a part of the movie that they didn’t like. P: Ss say /aɪ vuːd/…. Choral drill Ss forget to add the noun at the end Ask if their friend likes the same type of film – “Does your friend like action movies?” “Would you recommend it to someone who likes action movies?” P: Ss say …../vuːdet/…. Choral drill

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