Dinçer Dinç Dinçer Dinç

TP 8
Intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss will learn and review the use of 'Used to' in a context of T's self-design 'The Only Thing that Doesn't Change In Life Is Change Itself'. After being exposed to the TL with a few example, Ss' understanding will be checked by some CCQs. Then Ss will talk about the tastes and habits which has been changing in time. Then, before seeing the structures of the TL, the sentences they used in Stage 2 will be analysed on the WB. Next a semi-controlled practise, then, finally a freer practise will take the stage.


Abc Test #2 - Evgeny

Main Aims

  • To provide review, clarification and practice of used to in the context of 'The Only Thing that Doesn't Change In Life Is Change Itself'.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide process writing practice of a report in the context of 'The Only Thing that Doesn't Change In Life Is Change Itself'.
  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of 'The Only Thing that Doesn't Change In Life Is Change Itself'.


Warmer (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T starts to play PPT and tells 1 sentence for each picture by using the TL.

Test #1 (6-8 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

T puts Ss in pairs and passes out 1 paper for each pair to discuss 'something they did in the past but they don't do anymore' in pairs. While monitoring T takes note of some examples of sentences he hears and evaluates the Ss' familiarity with the TL. T changes the pairs if necessary.

Teach (15-20 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the Stage Test #1

T writes on the WB some particular notes he got from the Ss during the monitoring in Test#1. T elicits from the Ss why the sentences are wrong or correct. Starts his words like; ''I heard some of these sentences from you while you were discussing with each other. Let's analyse some of them all together.'' Possible wrong sentences to be heard from the Ss: - I used to liked X before, but after I hear that he beat his wife, I don't like him anymore. (Is it wrong? What's wrong in this sentence? Uses CCQs if possible) - I used smoke (or smoking) when I was young but I don't use it anymore. (typical Turkish S mistake) - (a) I smoked when I was at college. vs - (b) I used to smoke when I was at college. We can't tell if the (a) still smokes or not (b) suggests that he doesn't smoke anymore. T asks some Ss to hang the flashcards on the WB while he writes the structures of the TL. T elicits and writes ''all pronouns + useD to + _________'' on the WB and asks Ss to complete the rest of the example sentences by coming on the WB (Positive Form). T elicits and writes ''all pronouns + didn't + USE TO + _________'' on the WB and asks Ss to complete the rest of the example sentences by coming on the WB (Negative Form). T elicits and writes ''Did + all pronouns + use to + _________'' on the WB and asks Ss to complete the rest of the example sentences by coming on the WB (Question Form).

Test #2 (10-12 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

T put Evgeny's then and now pictures on the WB and elicits sentences in the present simple. T asks Ss to draw some pics about Evgeny's past on the WB. Elicit or models the sentences with the words on the pics. T gets Ss to think of some more sentences about Evgeny then gets them to compare those things with their pasts.

Free practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T gets Ss to play the 'Lottery Winners' T tells half of the Ss that they won the lottery a year ago. The other half are reporters. Reporters prepare Qs to ask winners about how their lives have changed since winning while the winners think of possible answers. Pairs then conduct an interview. (Jim Scrivener, Teaching English Grammar, page 261)

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