Leigh Davidson Leigh Davidson

Teaching Practice 5b - Reading for gist and for details
Elementary level


This lesson will provide the Ss with more practice in reading for comprehension, both from gist skimming and detail scanning, within the context of film and cinema. A lexical set, taken from popular cinema pitches, will be introduced in the reading lesson and practiced and produced in a speaking exercise.


Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about making a pitch in the context of film and cinema

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice with speaking, in the context of film and cinema, producing the vocabulary and concepts (pitching a movie) introduced in the reading exercise


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Write on the WB, "What was the last movie you saw?" Show the WC an enlarged poster of Deadpool and stick on the WB. "Last weekend I saw Deadpool. It was very funny. There was a lot of action, with explosions and a crazy car crash. The movie was also very romantic; the main character falls in love and gets the girl at the end. I really liked the humor of the movie. I was laughing the whole time. But I didn't like the action in the movie all the time. Sometimes it was too violent for me." Divide the class into pairs and have them answer this question (and what they liked and didn't like about the film) and discuss with each other. CCQ's: "What are you going to discuss? Are you going to talk about what you liked and didn't like about the movie?" Then nominate some pairs to elicit some of the discussion for the WC.

Pre-Reading: Reading Exercise 1 (4-7 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Draw on the WB a timeline, showing where pitch happens in the production of a movie. Then distribute a HO with the description of pitch on it (taken from the coursebook). Point to the timeline on the WB: "What do you think a pitch for a movie is? Please look at this HO, and the timeline, and discuss with your partner what you think 'pitch' is." Elicit from the Ss what they think "pitch" means. CCQ's (timeline for pitch): "When making a movie, when does the 'pitch' happen? Do you "pitch" an idea for a movie while trying to collect money for the movie? Do you 'pitch' the movie idea while you are still thinking about it? Has the 'pitch' for a movie already been made by the time we see the movie in the theater?"

While-Reading: Scanning for details (Reading Exercise 2) (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with a scanning for details reading exercise, also introducing new and reviewing passive vocabulary

Distribute the text on "Make a Pitch." "I have four movie pitches here for actual movies. Please read the text on your own and for now, just focus on the words that are big. Do you know these words? That's okay if you don't. Try to figure them out from the text." CCQ's: "Are you working with a partner, or on your own? Are you focusing on just the definition of the words in bold and underlined?" Following completion of the reading, pass out a HO and have the Ss match the vocabulary words, in pairs. "With your partner, match the picture with the word." Provide an answer key at the end. If there is still any confusion, refer to my Language Analysis and the CCQ's I can ask to elicit vocabulary comprehension. Spend a few brief moments, focusing on any pronunciation/stress issues you notice during monitoring of this activity ("ship;" "love;" "steals;" "away;" "coast;" "shark;" "boat;" "spaceship;" "hungry").

While-Reading: Skimming for gist (Reading Exercise 3-4) (5-8 minutes) • To provide Ss with more challenging detailed reading tasks

Direct the Ss back again to the text and write on the WB two questions ("Who are the main characters?; What is the problem in the movie?"). "Please look back at the text. Read it again and with your partner try to answer the questions." CCQ: "Are you completing this activity on your own, or with your partner?" Elicit from the Ss the answers. Write on the WB, "Do you know the title of these films?" and write 1-4. Try to elicit a response from the Ss; if difficulties arise, show them a scene of each movie and put it on the WB.

Post-Reading: Pronunciation Exercises 1-2 (5-10 minutes) • To highlight some common non-native English-speaking issues, specific to pronunciation

Distribute a HO. Ask the Ss to look at Exercise 1. "Now we are going to listen to some words. Circle which word you think you hear in this clip. It can either be in Column 1 or Column 2." Following completion of the exercise: "Check with your partner." Elicit the answer from nominated Ss from the WC. If there is WC miscomprehension, play the clip again. "What are the differences between these words? What do you hear?" Read through the list. One is a short "I" and one is a long "I," an "e." "Now look at Exercise 2. We are going to listen to another list of words. Place them under the /I/ or /iː/ sound, based off of what you hear. Check with your partner." Provide an answer key.

Post-Reading: Exercise 3 (5-7 minutes) • To provide practice of the TL through a controlled speaking exercise

Direct the Ss back to the text. Assign each a pitch number (1-4). Instruct them to mingle with the WC and pitch their movie idea to another Ss. Write these sentences on the WB: "I have a great idea for a film. Do you want to hear my idea? In this film..." T uses a demo with one Ss. "Pay attention to the pronunciation we just practiced."

Post-Reading: Exercise 4 (5-8 minutes) • To provide practice of the TL through a freer speaking exercise

Write on the WB "What is the best idea for a film?" and "Which is the best pitch?" Have them discuss in pairs and elicit from a few pairs. Provide some time at the end of lesson for EC, especially involving pronunciation.

If Time Activity (5-8 minutes) • To provide practice of the TL through a freer speaking exercise

Write on the WB, "Make a pitch of a movie you've seen." Include some vocabulary: outsider, understand, propose, drug, superhuman In my movie..."A man, who is an outsider, meets a beautiful girl. They fall in love and he proposes to her. But wait. The man gets sick, leaves the girl, and tries to become better with a new drug. The drug makes the man look very ugly but also gives him superhuman strength." Instruct the Ss to: "Think of a movie you have recently seen and write the pitch for it." Have the Ss share with their partner and with the WC, if time allows.

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