Leigh Davidson Leigh Davidson

Teaching Practice 1b - Optimism Vocabulary and Writing - Leigh Davidson
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will continue building upon their knowledge of future time phrases, future verb forms, and vocabulary related to conversations about the future, introduced at the beginning of the class, all while discussing the context of optimism.


Main Aims

  • To provide an opportunity to the Ss to practice writing thoughts and opinions related to the concept of optimism.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To build upon the Ss' knowledge of future time phrases, future verb forms, and to provide an opportunity to practice these.


Visual Activity to Group Soon Versus In the Distant Future (7-10 minutes) • Introduce the ordering of time phrases, from earliest (soon) to latest (in the distant future)

The T will write on the WB "soon" and "in the distant future" while speaking: "Now that you've been introduced to the concept of optimism, and have become familiar with some future forms in grammar, I would like to explore the differences between the time phrases 'soon' and 'in the distant future.'" The T will then show a video clip of the original trailer of Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. The T will ask the class, based on the images you just viewed, would you say this story has happened in the past, is currently happening, will happen soon, or will happen in the distant future? The T will let the Ss discuss in groups. Then the T will ask for FB from the Ss.

Pre-teach essential vocabulary before exercise tasks (7-10 minutes) • To provide context for understanding the exercise tasks

The T places images representing "unlimited" and "renewable" on the WB. Then the T will ask some CCQs relating to the images. [Unlimited] "If something is unlimited, is there an end to it? Remember the video we watched earlier? What about space? Are there limits to space, or would you call it unlimited." The T will also connect a line between "un" and "limited" and repeat the word for pronunciation. [Renewable] "Can I reuse something that is renewable?" "Do you run out of something that is renewable?" "Is something new that is renewable?" Tell the story of the Phoenix is Ss are still struggling with the meaning of the word. [Wishful] The T will write on the WB the word "wishful" and will then elicit answers from the Ss with fill-in-the-blank sentences. "I hope something will happen in the future. Therefore I am [wishful]." The T will also connect a line between "wish" and "full" and emphasize the "SH," repeating the word multiple times with WC participation for pronunciation. The T will ask some CCQ's related to the word. "If someone is hopeful, are they wishful?" "Is someone optimistic or pessimistic when they are wishful?" [Light Year] The T will write on the WB the word "light year" and will ask the Ss CCQ's to elicit the definition. "What does a year measure?" Use a physical activity to model the concept. Start with a Turkish-related concept. “According to my friend Erkut, it takes 1 day to travel from Istanbul to Van. So keep that in mind. Distance and time” Ask 4 Ss to represent planets (Earth [2 steps], Mars [3 steps], Jupiter [4 steps], and the Sun). T will represent light and travel from planet to planet. Each step represents 1 light year. [Reservations] The T will write on the WB the word. Compose a fill-in-the-blank sentence and ask the Ss CCQs to elicit the definition. "Due to the recent bombings in Istanbul, I have [] about living in the city." "Due to my reservations, do I feel safe?" "Am I definitely going to live in the city?" "If I have reservations about something, am I confident about it?" "Can you have reservations about something in the past, present, and/or future? (e.g: something that has happened, is happening, or will happen; something that you’ve bought, are buying, or will buy)" "Should reservations be considered optimistic or pessimistic?" Write that portion of the word out on the WB phonetically (shen) and repeat speaking the word aloud, multiple times, with the WC.

Grouping Time Phrases under "Soon" or "In the Distant Future": Exercise 2 (7-10 minutes) • Exploring and grouping times phrases

The T will draw on the WB a line, with "soon" on one end and "in the distant future" on the other. The T will then read the examples from Exercise 1. The T will ask those WC which means "soon" and which means "in the distant future." Next, the T will distribute copies of handouts of the exercises and pair the classroom. "Please look at Exercise 2 and with your partner, determine whether the time phrases in bold mean 'soon' or 'in the distant future.' Complete this task in 1 minute." The T will draw two columns on the WB, one labeled "Soon" and the other "In the Distant Future." The T will call on the pairs of Ss to answer which column each time phrase falls under.

Semi-controlled practice/speaking (5-7 minutes) • To provide Ss more practice using time phrases to talk about the future

The T will pass printed handouts of 4 sentences that use time phrases that reference the future. The T will read the handouts and request the students to listen. The T will pair off the Ss in groups and then ask the Ss to discuss the questions. Ask the CCQ, "are you going to be talking about something that has happened, is happening, or will happen?" The T will ask each group a summary of what they discussed.

Writing Preparation: Exercise 3 (7-10 minutes) • To provide Ss productive practice using time phrases to talk about the future

The T will prompt the Ss to refer to Exercise 3. "Take a few seconds to pick one of the topics that you are optimistic about." The T will group the Ss according to their topic of choice. The T will prompt the Ss to discuss these topics amongst themselves, and provide examples for why they are optimistic, for the next 5 minutes. The T will request FB from each group (e.g.: "Yusuf, why is Hande optimistic about her life?").

Writing: Exercise 4 (10-15 minutes) • To provide practice using the vocabulary, future time phrases, and future verb forms in written form

The T will distribute blank sheets of paper. "Please write your names at the top of your paper. For the next 5-7 minutes, on your own, please write a short paragraph, on the topic you chose in Exercise 3, explaining why you are optimistic about that topic and if you have any reservations. Use one of the time phrases ('soon' or 'in the distant future') you were introduced to in Exercise 1." Ask the Ss if they understand what the term "reservations" means. "Remember the texts you read during Can's lesson. Look over those texts again and note how they are organized. Use these texts as a guide for your paragraph." Ss will then pair next to each other and read each other's writing. The T will request that they read through the texts, checking for and correcting errors. "If you find any, please explain to your partner the correction." Then the T will stick the texts on the walls of the classroom. The T will request that the students go through the classroom and read all of the texts. "Decide who in this class is the most optimistic about the future and the most pessimistic about the future." The T will ask the Ss for FB (why they chose which text).

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