Esengul Birler Esengul Birler

Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn and speak about mispredictions in history. They will read the quotations, learn related words and express their thoughts. Proverbs will be used to highlighten the irony of these mispredictions.


Main Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about Get it wrong , mispredictions in the context of Quotations from past (what people in the past mistaken for)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of Quotations in the context of Mispredictions


Lead-in (2-5 minutes) • to give clue about the topic

Students will all be asked about the pictures and guesses. After a short conversation during 5 minutes, I focus on the word 'prediction and misprediction' for students to elicit. My questions will be ; What these pictures about? What do you think about Mars colonizations? Do you think all the anticipations will come true? Do you know Hakan Aysev? Do you know his teacher thought him he has no talent in music? What date can you guess for the Istanbul earthquake? How far is it? After these questions, I will also ask 'Have you ever mispredicted something?' 'Do you know any famous mispredictions?'

Vocabulary Pre-teaching (5-6 minutes) • Matching vocab with their synonyms

Before the reading text, students will be introduced some vocabulary which they may confuse and match them with the synonyms. They will study in peers while matching these words with synonyms and check their answers within groups. (gist) They are going to be nominated for the feedback. The rest of the class also be asked if they agree or not. Here, SS are encouraged to help and clarify the points for each other.

Detailed Reading (5-11 minutes) • Reading and learning about mispredictions.

In this part, SS will be given text to read and see its quotations to infer their own meaning. They will be introduced the text before they read and after they finish, I will use some questions as prompts and say 'Is it really interesting / ironic?' How do you find them? What do you think about quoate 1? Which ones are the most interesting? Here, I will start a short discussion.

Proverb Matching Activity (5-12 minutes) • To create for SS to speak by giving good ideas

Here, the students will see the proverbs and ask what they get from them. After that, they will be asked to match them with the quotations first and then explain why they chose that matching in class. Every student will be asked their ideas.

If time (5-10 minutes) • Extra proverbs introduced for further discussions

Here, some extra proverbs will be reflected on board and discussion is going to be carried both by pictures and these proverbs. Here, SS are asked their thoughts that predictions can be proven or disproven and also analytical or intuitive. For this aspect, we can also discuss whether the predictions on the text are based on pre-knowledge or not so we can rethink on them again.

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