Darren Aydin Darren Aydin

Teaching Practice 5
B1+ (Intermediate) level


In this lesson students will learn about the concept of accident - prone. Through the main aim of vocabulary and sub aim of Listening and speaking students will become familiar with such word related to accident promenade will be familiar with the verbs related to accident prone


Abc Unit 4.1

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of verbs in the context of saying how something happened
  • To provide clarification of Verbs in the context of accidents and injuries

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed listening practice using a text about conversations in the context of Accident prone
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of Accident prone


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Students wil listen to 5 conversations and will have to match them to the pictures. Before listening elicit answers from students: example "In picture A, what d you thing has happened Once ss have given there opinion"Lets see if we are right" "We will now listen to 5 conversations and then we will have to match them to the pictures show on the bored"

Test #1 (8-10 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

Students will complete the highlighted expressions with the correct form of these verbs and then class will listen and check. Show exercise 2a before giving out fill in the gap exercise "We will now do a fill in the gap exercise" Give students handouts once finished ask students to give the answers "Now we will see if we are correct: Listen to recording and correct where mistaken

Sub exercise (5-6 minutes) • Make sure students understood early the verbs learnt in related to accident prone

Give pieces of paper that write BREAK, SLIP, BANG Ask ss to pass them around and for them to write something related to the word. "Now I will give each group a word and you will all write one thing related to this word and then pass them around" Elict on example: "For break what could it be?" Give answer of "My arm"

Teach (5-8 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

Students will complete sentences from the conversation. Show handout before giving out the exercise "Now you will have to complete the sentences with the conversation" Feedback done as a class take 3 different answers from 3 different teachers

Test #2 (8-12 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

From previous activity students will have to complete the sentence on what can follow with the conversations given Exercise as pair work and take as many examples as possible "Now with the sentences from the last activity, we will finish them with these new conversations" - give words now Take feedback as a class 1 student to give the answer to the class for each question

Free practice (13-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Unit 4.1 pg; 31 speaking exercise; 4a-4b Students will be asked when they or someone did something in related to accident prone. Words listed below Ask SS "When was the last time you or someone you know did these things? "Can you remember what happened" Show words before letting ss start Elicit one example with ss "Has anyone ever dropped anything?" wait to get answers if no ss understood give example drop a pen on the floor as an example As a sub activity to finish the class ask ss to talk together and discuss who is most accident prone "Now can you all talk together and find who is most accident prone"

Free practice (5-8 minutes) • Fun activity to make sure students have understood the words and concept of class

"We will now play a game to end the class" "The game is called back to bored" STUDETNS will mime the words teacher gives on the bored to student facing them. Take one student and tell them to sit facing the class Give an example of how to play "Write Break your arm" Make students mime, Help with the first one only

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