Ece Ece

Teaching Practice 3
Intermediate level level


In this class, students will be doing reading & comprehension exercises, based on a text on "Technology of the 20th century." The students will first predict what the text is all about throuh a prediction task. During the gist reading, they will be iven a simple task, basically to et the gist of the task. Later, I will ive them a more detailed task to do (questions about the text) so that tehy have a deeper understanding of the whole text. The students will be tauht the meanins of the key vocab. before the gist reading, so they don't get lost.


Abc handout of questions
Abc handouts of different texts and exercises.
Abc objects

Main Aims

  • My main aim is to provide the students with reading and comprehension skills.

Subsidiary Aims

  • My sub aim is to teach the key vocab. of the text before reading, right before the prediction task.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The students will be shown the images of various objects invented in the 20th century, They will be divided into three groups and discuss which of these objects we still use and which we don't use anymore. The chief of each group will share their answers with the class.

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

In this section of the lesson, the students will be shown the title of the text through the projector, which is: "James May's 20th Century." They will be asked to predict what the text is all about and they will brainstorm on this in their groups for about three minutes. After this, the chief of each group will share their reflections with the class. When this task is finished the students will learn the key vocabulary of the text throuh the ECDW method. These words are "influential", "military", "invention", "affordable", "discover" and "experiment". If the students have questions about other words and expressions that they don't understand, those will be explained through the ECDW method as well. I was asked to skip the DW part of the vocab. teachin section, so I will skip the drilling part. But of course i will write the Word on the board!

While-Reading/Listening #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

First the students will be reshuffled and paired. Then, they will be delivered the handouts of the text and a set of questions about the text. They will do the reading by themselves and then they will be asked to underline all the technological inventions that take place in the text. They will do this exercise by themselves, then check with their peers. We will do a quick feedback together. Secondly, they will answer the set of questions by themselves. At the end of five minutes, they will check the answers with their peers. Lastly, I will deliver them the answer key.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

After the detailed reading task, the students need to reflect on what they've learned, be creative and expand their thoughts. This time, I will divide them into three groups. These groups will immagine as if they were stranded on a deserted island and they are allowed to have access to only one technology from today. They can choose to have access to internet, telecommunication, electricity, solar enery, or whatever else they choose. They will discuss why they chose that technology within their groups and the chief of each group will share their view with the class.

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