Marlynna Abdul Rahman Marlynna Abdul Rahman

Teaching Practice 6 - Phone Conversation
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will learn and practice the functional language of telephone expressions. Firstly, Ss will have to rearrange a telephone conversation in the correct order. Then, they will listen to an audio recording to check the answers. Following that, they will do a few gap-fill exercises and end with a freer practice where they create a phone conversation in pairs.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of functional language in the context of telephone expressions

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice speaking and listening skills in the context of telephone expressions.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T put up some photos on the WB. In pairs, T ask Ss to discuss and answer the following: “What are they doing?” “Where are they?” “Are they busy?” T dicusses with WC. Ss are put in pairs to encourage them to interact in English.

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Game time! T groups Ss in groups of 3 or 4 (mixing stronger with weaker Ss), Ss are given slips of paper with telephone expressions. Ss have to rearrange the phone conversation in the correct order. (Ex 1)The first group with the correct order wins. To keep the class fun and engaging, I decided to make the exercise into a game. Ss not only learn to work together as a team, it also increases STT. T plays audio recording (2.40) so Ss can check the answers. Give them a few minutes to check with each other after the audio recording. Then T checks with WC and determines the winner group.

Highlighting (10-15 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language and practice pronunciation and intonation

T takes the slips of paper back from Ss. Using powerpoint, T projects the same conversation on the WB. However, there are some missing words. Ss have to fill in the gap in pairs. T gives Ss HO. When they are done, group two pairs together to check answers. Then ask few Ss to come up and write the answers in the gap on the WB. To make sure that Ss knows who is saying what - sentences in red are from the recipient and caller in blue. T asks Ss, the ones in red, who is saying it? And blue? Teach Ss briefly about contractions and when to use it. Ask Ss to expand I'll (I will) and others below. I'll = I will It's = It is I'm = I am Drilling - From backwards, make Ss repeat after you. Example: “later?” “later?” “you later?” “you later?” “call you later?” “call you later?” “ I'll call you later?” “I'll call you later?” Do the same for "I'm busy right now". Focus on I'm and I'll, make sure Ss are saying it right. Teach Ss that sentence stress is on "call" and "busy".

Clarification (3-5 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Move one student from one end to the other to make a NEW pair. Instructions: T will play an audio recording (2.41) - another conversation between Tom and Sue. Ss have to circle the sentences they hear. T then distributes the HO. In pairs, T asks Ss to check answer with their partner. T checks answer with WC. T asks Ss to look at the sentences again and in pairs, decide who would say the sentences - the caller or recipient (who answers the call), or both? This is to check whether Ss have truly understood what was being taught.

Semi-Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

In pairs, T asks Ss to fill in the gaps. (Ex 2b). T distribute HO. To check answers - Choose a student to be A and another B and ask them to read out their answer. Do the same for Number 2. This exercise is to prepare Ss for the free practice. Ss work in pairs so stronger Ss can help the weaker ones.

Free Practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Give one side of the classroom pink paper and the other side of the room blue paper. The coloured paper are marked either A or B. So that in the pair, one will be Student A and the other Student B. Accordingly, S write their own phone conversation. (Ex 3, No. 1) When they are done, ask all Ss to stands up. In the same pair, stand back to back (since on a phone call, you can't see each other) Ask them to practice their conversation with each other. Ask one or two pairs to share their conversation with WC. If there's time, similarly do Ex 3, No 2. The only difference now is to change the pair. S with pink paper, pair up with S with blue paper. The purpose is for Ss to interact with different classmates and also to increase STT.

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