Naomi Schademan Naomi Schademan

Lesson Plan TP 4 Naomi Schademan
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lessons, students will practice listening for gist and for specific information. Students will also practice lexis related to pets and focus on pronunciation. Finally, students will practice free speaking for fluency.


Abc White board
Abc Handout

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using an audio about pets

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice of characteristics of pets and people
  • To provide lexis and pronunciation practice of pet-related words


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Play youtube video. Ask if Ss have pets and what pets they've had in the past. Write names of pets on white board. Ask Ss if they can think of any unusual pets and if anyone has ever owned an unusual pet.

Pre-Listening/Lexis review (12-14 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Elicit vocabulary words: "companion," "fluffy," "frighten," "unconditional," "a bond," "characteristic," "cage," and "to keep fit." Concept check. Drill. Write on board. Show word stress. Next, tape photos of animals on board. Elicit names of animals from students. Drill. Group students in pairs to discuss characteristics (e.g. small, "frightening," "fluffy") of each animal. Encourage Ss to use new vocabulary words where possible. They have 2 minutes for this. Have students write characteristics of each animal on board. Divide students into 2 groups and have them pass each picture around the circle, focusing on their pronunciation. They have 3 minutes for this.

Listening #1 (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with a less challenging gist listening task

EXERCISE 1 Direct students' attention to the 3 people pictured at the bottom left-hand corner of the page. Tell them we will be listening to each person talk about their pets, but they won't actually say what they are. As they listen, students should guess which pet listed in the box that each person has. Do demo by asking, "So for example, I have a very common pet, and she's fluffy, and she doesn't like dogs. What animal from the box might I choose?" Then do ICQ and make sure they know they'll writing a person's name above a pet listed in the box. Ask if they are working alone or with partners (alone). Afterwards, assign Ss partners and have them compare their guesses. They have 2 minutes for this.

Listening #2 (8-12 minutes) • To provide students with practice listening for specific information

EXERCISE 2 Assign students partners. Instruct them to read through the list of pet characteristics and tick the ones they think were mentioned in the interviews. They have 2 minutes for this. EXERCISE 3 Give students three pieces of scrap paper and instruct them to write T for Tim, M for Maxine, and G for Gus on them. Have them write down their answers. Play recording a second time and have students hold up the cards when they mention that their pet has one of the characteristics. Tell them each one can have multiple answers. Do demo. Do ICQs. Can play recording again if necessary. Go over answers as WC.

Post-Reading/Listening (7-9 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Assign students partners. Students discuss questions in EXERCISE 4 in pairs. They have 4 minutes for this. Do demo. Then have Ss share their results with other pairs.

Wrap-up (4-7 minutes) • To provide Ss with a group activity to expand on what they've learned

Group Ss into 2 teams. Have Ss decide on a team name. See which team can name the most kinds of pets. Remind Ss to think about their previous lesson with Elif. Have one person from each team write their answers on the board and see who won.

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