Ayse Nur Sari Ayse Nur Sari

TP4-Presenting grammar within context of telling stories occuring in the past
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, the Ss will learn about past progressive through guided discovery based on a text about the story of a taxi driver. Being a continuation of the previous lesson, we will directly start with guided discovery exercises in the same context. Then, some controlled practices and semi-control practices about past progressive will be handed out. Students will create a story with pictures in the semi-controlled practice. This will be followed by a freer practice via role-play speaking activity.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of the Past Progressive tense in the context of telling stories about taxi experiences

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy with a role play activity in the context of telling a story.


Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To engage students and set the context of telling stories through using Past Progressive.

As Ss will have done the reading text in the previous lesson which is the context of this lesson, T won't need a lead-in stage. However, in case they may lose their interest or attention on the subject, T will show the picture of Melissa (the taxi driver) and ask what happened to her.

Presentation/Guided Discovery (15-17 minutes) • To allow Ss generate their own discoveries and explanations on the grammar subject, Past Progressive.

T will hand out a paper in which there are guided discovery questions. Instruction: Think about the sentence and the tense as they are in the past, answer the questions. You will use the reading text from previous lesson. Work individually. You have 6 minutes. ICQs: Are you working alone? -Yes. Are you going to use the reading text? -Yes. While monitoring, T will decide whether Ss need more clarification or not. If needed, T will draw a timeline to clarify and ask CCQs: "Is it a progressive action?" -Yes. "Is it happening in a period of time?" -Yes. "Is it a finished action in the past?" -No, continuing action. After 6 minutes, T will write some sentences from the HO and elicit the grammatical analysis from Ss by asking them: "What tense is used here? -Past Progressive or Continuous." "Why? -Because it a progressive action in the past." Then, Ss may listen to a record for pronunciation or T will drill the pronunciation of "weak was/were (in positive sentences)" and "strong was/were (in negative sentences and questions) in WCFB. T will hand out the answer key for the guided discovery exercise

Practice (15-16 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T will hand out a paper in which there is telling a story exercise with pictures. First part of the exercise will be controlled as the Ss will fill in the gaps with the correct tense according to the pictures above (The paper will be folded). Instruction: Fill in the gaps with the correct tense individually. You have 2 min. Then Ss will check their answers in pairs and will come to board to write their answers. There will be whole class discussion on the questions. Then T will instruct: Unfold the paper and try to finish the story according to the examples. Try to write funny things and work in pairs. She will give an example: "While a woman was walking on the street and listening to Mahmut Tuncer songs, she found a ten-dollar bill." ICQs: Are you going to work alone? -No, with your partners. Are you going to use present or past continuous tense? -Past continuous tense. You have 4 minutes. After 4 minutes, Ss will tell their interesting sentences to their friends in other groups. They will find out the funniest sentences. Then the sentences will be discussed in WCFB. T will do error correction on WB if needed.

Production/Speaking Practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide practice of fluency and accuracy with a role play game by using the target language

T will tell Ss that they will play a game and show a picture of bank robbery on WB. She will ask students what it is? When was it happened? Instructions: Yesterday, a bank was robbed between 2 and 4pm. We will choose a policeman or policewoman in each group. The other people in the group will be the suspects. The policeman/woman will ask his/her friends: "What were you doing yesterday between 2 and 4pm?" The suspects will try to prove that they are not guilty. T will choose a student to do a demo. T will say: "I was at home. I was writing my assignment when the bank was robbed. I was with my auntie. You can ask her." After the demo, T will group the Ss and they will choose one policeman/woman in their groups. T will monitor them. After 5 minutes, T will ask who may be the robber. Then, if T have enough time, she will do some error correction on WB.

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