Marlynna Abdul Rahman Marlynna Abdul Rahman

Teaching Practice 4 - Reading
Upper Intermediate level


The topic of this lesson is about unusual festivals involving food. T will show Ss photos of 4 unusual food festival around the world and Ss have to guess which food does each festival centre around. Ss will then have to scan texts about the festivals and find out where and when each festival take place. Following that Ss have to match a list of customs to the appropriate festivals. Lastly, Ss have to guess the meaning of certain words and phrases from the context.


Main Aims

  • To provide scanned and detailed reading lesson about unusual food festival around the world.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide vocabulary and speaking lesson in the context of unusual food festival in the world.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will put up pictures of unusual food festival around the world on the WB. T will then ask Ss to guess what the images are about and the similarities. T will ask Ss if there are such events in Turkey. This is a great way to set lesson context, engage students and develop cultural awareness.

Pre-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T will hand out materials to the Ss. T will ask a few questions about the text and asks Ss to scan the text quickly. The focus of this activity is to teach Ss the scanning method. T will stress to Ss that they are not allowed to read the text word-by-word and to quickly provide the answer once they have found it. (Exercise 1b) T group Ss in pairs. Ss have to find out that the bold words mean and then discuss with their partner to find out which festival they think the customs are associated with. (Exercise 2a) Ss are put in pairs so that they can learn to work together. It is also motivating and increases STT. T then writes 1-8 on the board and ask Ss to come up to the WB to provide the answers. T will also ask for the explanation to make sure Ss have understood what they have read.

Reading (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with specific information reading tasks

T will ask Ss to read the text again but this time, in detail. In pairs, Ss discuss and share with the partner about other customs and facts they learnt about each festival. (Exercise 2b) Then T combines two groups together so Ss can share what they have learnt. Being in a bigger group allows Ss to converse with other people in the class rather than just their partner. T will then asks a few Ss to share what they have learnt to the class. As they have already discussed with their classmates, Ss will have more confidence to contribute to the whole class. This is motivating especially for the weaker students. As the main aim of this lesson is reading, T will spend more time on feedback sessions to make sure Ss have understood what they have read.

Vocabulary (8-10 minutes) • To teach Ss that guessing meaning from context will speed up their reading and to learn new vocabulary

Back in pairs again, Ss will have to guess the meaning of the words and phrases from the context. (Exercise 3) Explain to Ss that guessing the meaning from context will help Ss increase their reading speed and that it is not always necessary to be 100 percent correct. T writes 'a-j' on the board and asks Ss to come up and provide the answers. T will then go through the answers and asks for their explanations - why or which words/phrase help them come up with the answers. T will spend more time at feedback as the main aim is to teach Ss how to guess words from context so that they can speed up their reading time. T will also focus on form and pronunciation in this section.

Speaking (8-10 minutes) • To allow Ss to practice their productive skill - speaking

T groups Ss into groups of 4. Ss discuss the questions in exercise 4. For feedback, T will then ask a few Ss to tell the class which food/dish they would like to try. The aim of this section is for Ss to practice their speaking skills. T will walk around the class to help them with vocabulary, if necessary. As these students enjoy discussions, I am pretty sure they will enjoy this session. This allows them to learn more about each other and increases STT.

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