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Teaching Practice 2: Simple Present "Wh- questions"
Elementary, A2 level


In this lesson students will learn and practise Wh- questions in Present Simple in the context of who we live with. The lesson starts with a few common Wh- question asked by teacher. Then this follows finding Wh- questions from text and further analyse of wh- questions from HO. Finally there are two controlled practices through fill in the blanks exercise, rearranging words to make questions and a free practice, speaking exercise, via questions from the previous exercise.


Abc Gap fill handout
Abc Rearrange the words to make questions hand out
Abc Match the pictures with the names hand out
Abc Students Book

Main Aims

  • To introduce/ review and give students practice in Present Simple Wh- questions and short answers in the context of who we live with

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a interview in the context of who you live with


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ask the whole class "What is this?" if nobody answers nominate one person and ask them the question. Afterwards ask random students the following questions: "What is your name?" (my name is..) "How are you?"( I am fine.) "Where are you from?" ( I am from..) "What is this?" ( It is a..)

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through the text that they have studied.

Ask students to find "wh-" questions from "An English men's house is his castle", reading taken from Straightforward Elementary Student's Book. Tell them to underline those sentences ICQ: Where do you look for questions? ( the text we have studied) What are you looking for? (Wh- questions) What do you do when you find them? (highlight them) Students will find the following questions: "Why does Andy live at home?, What about a family for Andy?, Why do you live at home?" Feedback: Ask students to tell the Wh questions that they have found from the text. Check them as a class and write them on board.

Clarification (10-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Show the slight number 1 which has "Wh-" questions. Say "wh-" are question words and we use them to ask questions. Say we use "What" to ask about objects. (show the flash card of objects)Do choral drilling and individual drilling "Where" to ask about place (show the flash card of buildings)Do choral drilling and individual drilling "When" to ask about time (show the flash card of time)Do choral drilling and individual drilling "Who" to ask about people (show the flash card of people)Do choral drilling and individual drilling "Why" to ask about reason ( Students may not understand reason so mimic it)Do choral drilling and individual drilling "How" to ask about a number or a way (students may not understand way so try to use gestures to explain)Do choral drilling and individual drilling Give students the worksheet that has images to symbolize "Wh-" Say match the images with the question words. Wait for two, three minutes and ask them to check their answers with their partners. Feedback: Ask the class to give their answers for the Wh- question worksheet. Write a the question" ....do you like?". Ask where do I put "What"?(at the beginning of sentences). Say I put question words at the beginning of questions. Write "What" ask how do I pronunce this? (students will give their own pronunciation

Controlled Practice (5-10 minutes) • To concept check and allow students to apply the form.

Give students exercise 1 from Straightforward Elementary Student's Book Unit 2C page 27. Say look at the questions complete them with the question words from the box. ICQ: What do you write in this line? (the question words) Where are the question words? ( In the box) Feedback: Ask students to check their answers in groups of three. Whole class feedback: Nominate students to give the answers

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To concept check further

Give students exercise 2 from Straightforward Elementary Student's Book Unit 2C, page 27 Say look at the exercise the question is in wrong order. Ask them to put it into correct order. ICQ: Are these questions correct? (no) Do I need to write them again? (yes) Ask students to check their answers with a partner. Whole class feedback.

Controlled Practice/ Speaking (5-10 minutes) • To provide students with controlled practice of the target language

Tell students to ask the questions they rearranged for exercise 2 (from Straightforward Elementary Student's Book page 2) to their partners. Write down the answers. ICQ: Which questions do you ask? (the ones from the exercise) Do I ask to my teacher? (no) Do I ask them to my neighbours? (yes) Do I write down the answers? (yes) Whole Class Feedback

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