Christopher Sanders Christopher Sanders

Reading Explorer 6a
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will become familiar with the target vocabulary of Reading Explorer 2 unit 6a, continue learning more about affixes (con-, -tion, -able, pre-) in order to help them decipher unknown vocabulary they may encounter on tests or in faculty (building on previous lessons), discuss topics related to the ocean in order to activate schema about the unit's theme, and read the unit's passage for main idea and gist.


Abc Reading Explorer 2 unit 6a

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of construct (v) / (line 5) threat (n) / (lines 41 and 48) countless (adj) consumption (n) pollution (n) conservation (n) / opportunity (n) / (line 33) face (v) / (line 37) competition (n) / (line 38) dominate (v) handle (v) invest (v) considerable (adj) claim (v) predictable in the context of "Reef encounters" and "Sweet scents"

Subsidiary Aims

  • To continue learning about affixes (con-, pre-, -tion, -able) in order to better decipher unknown words in test and faculty reading.
  • To provide review of language used for Examples: Do I have a word or a definition on my back? What is the word? in the context of Vocabulary, nature
  • To provide practice gist, detail, and determining cause and effect (more of this in the 2nd hour of the lesson).


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

As T checks attendance, Ss will discuss warmer questions related to the reading passage in pairs. T may also ask some questions semi-randomly to evoke production using various grammar and vocabulary we've studied previously.

Task (10-13 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Ss will have 3 minutes to quickly skim through this week's target vocabulary (displayed on WB, Ss can use phones to look-up words). Then, T distributes cards at random to Ss. S will tape one of the cards to partner's back. Ss will have 6 minutes to learn which card is on their back (using question forms, review from week 1) and then determine who has the matching fish or definition. When pairs find each other, they will adhere their words to the wall. As groups finish, they will help match the remaining Ss and also match the unused fish with their definitions (there are 20 pairs in total, so half of the pairs will be among the students and half waiting to be used).

Language Practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

Ss work in pairs to complete a crossword puzzle using the words they learned in the previous task.

Language Analysis (8-10 minutes) • To continue learning about affixes for deciphering unknown words in texts.

T will ask Ss to look at the affixes of the target words for the unit. T will indicate specific affixes (con-, pre-, -tion, -able) and ask Ss what they might mean. After getting answers, T will clarify meanings and offer a few examples. Ss will try to determine the meaning of the new words. T will clarify any words that Ss cannot figure out. Then, Ss will play a Kahoot quiz.

Pre-Reading (3-4 minutes) • To activate schema and prepare students for the reading passage while re-enforcing skimming skills.

Ss will complete exercises A and B on page 84 of RE2, attempting to predict the content of the passage from picture, captions, and headings.

Reading for Main Idea and Details (8-10 minutes) • To give Ss practice with reading for main idea and details while utilizing note-taking skills

Ss will read the unit's passage, "Cities Beneath the Sea" and take notes using the Notetaking paper following T's instructions about notetaking. After reading, Ss can compare their notes with their partners and add anything that they missed or correct errors they may have made.

Reading Comprehension Assessment (3-5 minutes) • To evaluate Ss comprehension of the reading using their notes.

Ss will close their books and T will ask them questions about their reading. *Note: this activity may be moved to the 2nd hour as needed.

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