Ahmadzirakghazani Ahmadzirakghazani

Movers (Young learners) level


Abc Intelligent board
Abc Big English (course book)

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of (is/was) in the context of weather conditions

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of weather vocabularies


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1) Teacher displays a short video about weather conditions on the screen.

Clarification (4-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning and form of the target language

1)Teacher asks whole class "how is the weather outside today"? and writes the questions and elicited answer on the board. 2) Teacher asks "How was the weather yesterday?" and writes the questions and elicited answer on the board. 3)Teacher asks "Were you cold last Monday?" and writes the questions and tries to elicit an answer in the negative form. "No, We weren't cold last Monday."

Controlled Practice 1 (5-7 minutes) • To concept check if the students have correctly understood the word order.

Teacher puts some mixed up words on the board and says " I don't understand, can you help me? " " is What like weather the today ? " " hot it sunny and is today" "Like Weather What was yesterday the?" " rainy and cold was yesterday it" " Cold we last Sunday were " Teacher might scaffold them for unscrambling the sentences.

Controlled Practice 2 (6-8 minutes) • To concept check further forms and meanings.

1) Teacher does the first exercise on the board. 2) Teacher asks students to do the rest of the activities. (First alone, then they check the answers in pairs.) 3) Teacher gives the feedback by eliciting and writing the correct answers on the board.

Controlled Practice 3 (5-7 minutes) • To check if the students can find out the correct sentence.

1) Teacher writes the words " today, yesterday, now, last" in orders while pointing with hands. 2) Teacher asks students to do exercise 11 on page 61. 3) Teacher provides the correct answers on the board.

Controlled practice 4 (optional) (3-7 minutes) • To draw ss attention to TL in terms of fill in the blank.

1) Teacher asks students to read the dialogue in exercise 12 page 61 and fill in the blanks with correct forms. 2) Teacher does the first one for modelling.

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