Johanna Bermeo Johanna Bermeo

Teaching Practice 1
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn the difference between present perfect simple and Past simple through a guided discovery upon the teacher Travel experiences. The lesson starts by a discussion about Traveling to see whether the students like traveling, and they will observe a picture about an odd destination in where students will have to express their opinion on whether they would like to go there, why or why not. This is followed by the teacher showing a PPT starting from her past traveling destination with an emphasis on the place, the activity and done there and the time when that happened until it is reach within a timeline to the immediate present, always asking the students questions for them to grasp the meaning and the idea when present perfect for a still happening action is taking place. Finally there will be some pair work in where the students will create their own timeline and will work with a partner in an activity called: the travel agency in where one is the agent and the other the costumer discussing travel destinations for holiday. The feedback will go at last with some sentences written on the board based on what the students have said during the discussion.


Main Aims

  • To provide students with a more realistic practice of the use of and difference between Present perfect and Past Simple, for them to better implement them when talking about their life experiences and past events.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To raise awareness of the use of both tenses, being aware of the differences in time and context.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students to talk about traveling.

T will refer to the course book Unit 5 for the cover picture to ask Ss about whether they like traveling and what do they think about that particular travel experience. Whether they would like to go on one and why.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To help students grasp the context when Past and Present Perfect Simple are supposed to be used.

T will tell the students about her traveling experiences using a time line in a PPT, starting with he past trips focusing on questions and answers as well as time as in: 1. I went to the USA in 2009. (when did İ go to USA?) 2. I worked as a costumer service and cashier in WAWA for 6 months. (What did I do there?) 3. I lived in New Jersey but İ traveled to NYC every weekend that year. (Where did I live? / Where did I travel/visit? ) This first step is for students to see and focus on the past so they refresh their memory before moving onto the present time. The following slide will talk about Lithuania and the same 3 patterns (when, what and where) but there will be just pictures and some sentences, making the students to work on the questions out loud. For that matter, T will ask: What is the Qs here? And the answer?

Highlighting (3-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

The 3rd slide will be about the present and again focusing on the same patterns but this time the ‘PRESENT PERFECT’ tense as a still activity that continuous will appear as in: 1. Am I still in Turkey? Why cant I ask this in past? 2. How long have I been in Turkey? 3. Where have I been to ? (pictures of my trips around Turkey as well as my time in Istanbul will be included) see PPT attached. There will also be a time line summarising every slide so the Ss can see what we have talked about, giving the next stage a change to start.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T will now ask a student to come forward and draw his timeline, that should also focus on their travel experiences. (For this stage I already know the Ss who are not from Istanbul and this will help the rest to experience better and real example) T will help that student to accomplish the task and the rest of the Ss. Will be asking the questions using the same patterns when, where,, what and how long. T will write some verbs on the board as a ‘reference’ for Ss to get ideas from in case they don’t come up with any on their own.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T will now model the next activity which consist on a Pair work game in where one of the Ss. is going to be a Travel Agent and the other one a Costumer. (T will ask another S to help her and will ask the following Qs) A. hello, May I help you? B. Yes please, I would like to go on Holidays but I am not sure about the destinantion. A. of course, Have you ever been to Brazil? B. Yes I have. A. when did you go there? B. I went there last year during summer time. A. ok, Where in Brazil did you go to? B. I went to Rio, but I would love to go to Sao Paolo, I have never been there.

Role-play time (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ss will be given some prompts for that and they will have to work in pairs for that matter. T will walk around the class listening to the Ss conversation and taking notes about the Ss mistakes in terms of the grammar and structure they use, making sure to write them on the board for an ‘all together correction and feedback time ‘with Ss Qs.

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