rgzaccaria rgzaccaria

Music Lesson (1)
Pre-Intermediate A2/B1 level


In this lesson students learn about coming to an agreement and music vocabulary. In the lesson before, they will listen to two recordings and read a text about friends deciding on which musical festival/performance to attend. They will then learn the vocabulary around making plans and come to an agreement on the most popular musician from the text.


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Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a pyramid discussion in the context of music

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of language used for making suggestions in the context of music


Warmer/Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will introduce herself to students. Discuss the previous activity and what the activity will be in the last section. "Now we fill focus on making plans and agreeing as a group."

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Ss will complete section 3a of the fill in the blanks HO individually. Then students will complete section 4, checking their answers with a partner by reading the full sentences out loud to each other. CCQ: Are you doing the whole HO? No. CCQ: When you finish 3a, are you sitting silently? No. (You're checking answers with a partner).

Highlighting (5-10 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T will read through the completed HO out loud to give students second exposure to pronunciation (listened to recording in previous lesson). A. WB breakdown of "I'm into" and "I'm not into." 1. I'm into politics. (I like) Im not into cold weather. (I don't like) 2. I'm into action movies. I'm not into horror movies. ~Pronunciation drill~ CCQ: Do I like politics? Yes. Do I like cold weather? No. -- Ask student: "Are you into politics?" B. WB breakdown of "That sounds good" T- "Anthony asks me, "What do you think about seeing folk music?" "I say, folk music sounds good." CCQ: Am I into folk music? Yes. ~Pronunciation drill~ C. WB breakdown of "have a look" and "see if" T- If I say, "Tuba, will you have a look at the cinema times for 'The Martian'?" OR "Tuba, will you see if there are tickets for 'The Martian'?" CCQ: Are these sentences the same? Yes. ~Pronunciation drill~

Controlled Practice (3-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T will instruct Ss on how to complete section 5a. "On your own, complete 5a (point to HO). Choose two (hand gesture) performers that you do want to see (thumbs up), and two (hand gesture) that you don't want to see (thumbs down). Write down your answers (hand gesture). T will ask random Ss to say their answers out loud.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-12 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T will write out six colors on the WB and then separate students into six groups of five based on colors (green, blue, yellow, pink, orange, purple). T will give instructions on completing activity 5b (while holding up the HO): "In your groups, agree (stress this word) on one (hand gesture) performer from the text (point to text) that you would all (stress this word, circle around group hand gesture) like to see. Then, decide who will buy the tickets and where your group will meet. Once you have agreed (stress this word), one person (hand gesture) from your group should come up and write (hand gesture on WB) your choice on the WB." CCQ: What will you do once your team has agreed on a musician? Write it on the WB.

Review (3-7 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T will go over the findings on the WB. T will ask each group who is buying the tickets for their group and where they are meeting. T will go over results and say who is the most popular performer (counting the results for each musician out loud and writing them on the WB).

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