Claire Luxford Claire Luxford

TP 6 Lost property vocab
Intermediate level


In this lesson the students will be exposed to vocab relating to describing personal items through a listening about a lost property office. They will match the items they hear about with the corresponding picture. They will do a controlled practice in the form of a gap-fill. They will then do a freer practice of the vocab in the form of a 'find someone who' where they must describe an object to find the person who has their object


Abc English Unlimited Intermediate Coursebook, Cambridge pg 66
Abc English Unlimited Intermediate Self Study Pack Worksheet pg 41

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of adjectives for describing personal belongings in the context of locating them at a lost property office.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening, speaking for accuracy


Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To engage Ss and set the context of the lost property office

T asks Ss to discuss in pairs whether they've ever lost anything such as a phone/wallet and if/how they found it again? T takes some quick fb.

Exposure (5-10 minutes) • To expose Ss to the target language of vocab/phrases for describing personal belongings using a listening task

T quickly sets context of listening: Now we are going to listen to five conversations between a lost property office staff member and people who have lost something. Match the items you see with the pictures on the HO One item is not mentioned. Ss listen to recording once and do the matching T monitors to see if they are struggling with exercise or finding it pretty straightforward. If they are really struggling project the transcript onto the WB to save time in FB Ss check answers in pairs T gets quick FB by getting early finishers to write answers on the board.

Controlled practice (10-12 minutes) • To get Ss to practice using the TL using a fill the gaps/matching activity

T chests HO. T asks Ss to complete exercises on HO, working in pairs (T rearrange Ss as needed if for example one really strong student is likely to do all the work in one particular pairing etc) T takes FB by getting some early finishers to write on board/eliciting some answers and then decides whether or not to do a delayed clarification/how detailed it should be (see next stage).

Clarification (5-8 minutes) • To clarify the vocab relating to describing personal belongings

***length/content of this stage depends on what T notices during monitoring the controlled practice*** T asks CCQs to check meaning of any vocab that has proven difficult T elicits correct order of the adjectives for describing things (size/colour/material) and drills this a bit T elicits correct form of any commonly recurring errors (for example leaving out the definite article in 'on the front') T drills a little bit of pronunciation

Freer practice (12-15 minutes) • To provide Ss with practice using the vocab relating to personal belongs in a speaking acitivty

T asks students to write a detailed description of a personal belonging that they really wouldn't want to lose onto a piece of paper, but not to use the actual name of the item eg small, black, leather ____ with cards, cash and a set of house keys inside' (don't write 'wallet') T collects the papers and puts them in a tin, mixes them up and asks students to take one. Ss then have to stand up and walk around asking each other whether they've lost something that matches the description and to talk to everyone until they find the person that lost the item they picked. T monitors and does some 'hot' error correction because this task isn't really about fluency (there isn't really much room for the Ss to express their own ideas or use varied language) as well as noting the most commonly occurring errors. T takes some WC fb on content 'who found their missing item?' and if time/appropriate does some delayed error correction on the WB

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