Fazi Fazi



In this lesson, students will be introduced to the third person singular -s/-es endings in the present simple tense. The lesson starts with a matching task from the previous lesson. The task helps students to notice the target language to be taught in the lesson. Later on, the teacher will use a guided discovery task to clarify the form of the TL. Following this, the students will be given a controlled and a semi-controlled writing activity to further practice the TL by describing a typical day of Mr. Bean's life. The context of the lesson is 'daily routines'.


Abc WB
Abc HO3
Abc HO4
Abc HO1
Abc HO2
Abc Youtube video

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the affirmative and negative forms of the third person singular of simple present tense in the context of daily routines

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide a semi-controlled product writing practice of reporting someone's daily routine in the context of daily activities using the third person singular form of present simple tense


Warmer (1-2 minutes) • To recall the lesson's context and engage students

1. T greets the students and commences the session 2. T shows the picture of Carol from the previous lesson to recall the context: 'a typical day/daily routines'

Lead-in: Exposure (2-4 minutes) • To expose Ss to the target language through a matching activity

T has extracted some sentences from the reading passage about Carol to further draw students' attention to the target language. 1. T forms 2 groups 2. T gives instruction for Activity 1: - I have 2 sets of papers here. The times of the day and Carol's activities. - You need to match each sentence with a time. - Work in your groups - 2 minutes 3. T asks for WCFB (see next stage)

Presenting form and pronunciation (8-10 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the form and the pronunciation of the target language

1. T draws a table on WB to present parts of speech of the sentences in the activity and deliver and highlight the form of the target language 2. T asks for WCFB: "What does she do at 7.45 am?"... 3. T writes the answers in the table and sticks the endings (-s/-es) 4. T asks "Does she do these things every day?" to ensure the understanding of the use of present simple 5. T highlights the -s/-es endings' sound and drills the sentences to practice the pronunciation of the target language 6. T CCQs the sentences by changing the subject pronouns/taking out -s/-es endings to make sure of the understanding of the form

Guided discovery: The spelling rule of 3rd person singular (3-5 minutes) • To furthure clarify the form of the target language

1. T sets up Activity 2: - Here we have a table - As you know, for some verbs we add a -s for 'she and he' and for some we add an -es. - Read this part of the table and write when we add a -s/-es. - Work alone - 2 minutes 2. T asks for pair check 3. T asks for WCFB

Presenting the negative form (3-5 minutes) • To present/elicit the meaning, form and pronunciation of the negative form of present simple

1. T asks one of the Ss: "Now let's see something. [Student's name] do you go to work every day?"/"Do you go to school?" (the answer for one of them should be "No, I don't.") 2. T asks Ss to try to report his situation in the negative form to elicit 'doesn't' 3. T tries to change some of the model sentences on the WB to negative by the help of the Ss 4. T drills the negative sentences to practice pronunciation 5. T asks a few CCQs

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1. T sets up Activity 3: - Here we have Tom's routine - We need to say what things he does and what he doesn't - We have the verbs in the brackets - Look at them and write the correct form of the verb - Work alone - 2 minutes 2. Ss pair check when they are finished 3. T asks an early finisher to come to the board and write the correct verb forms 4. Class checks with the board 5. T gives necessary FB

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and provide correction for the TL

(T forms new pairs) 1. T gives instruction for Activity 4: - We are going to watch a video clip about Mr. Bean's daily routine - Here I have a paper with some sentences he says about himself. For example: "..." - In the table here, you need to write a sentence about him. For example: "He ..." - Watch the video and write about him - Work alone 2. T ICQs 3. T plays the video and pauses after each part to give time to the Ss to write 4. When Ss are finished T asks for pair check 5. T monitors the Ss and takes notes for the late feedback 6. T asks for answers individually 7. T provides correction regarding the meaning, form, and pronunciation of the target language by referring to the highlighted sentences on the WB 8. T finishes the session by wishing everyone a good day

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