Jeremy Schlichter Jeremy Schlichter

Intermediate level


Students will have a short warmer period of discussing their likes and dislikes about pets. This will lead into a short reading session comparing and contrasting owners with their pets. The reading exercise will be followed by speaking practices to utilize some of these comparisons when talking about their own lives


Main Aims

  • To provide speaking for fluency utilizing comparisons in appearance and personality in the context of contrasting pets with their owners

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice in the context of comparing animals to their owners


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Students will be asked who among them own pets. After one min of brief conversation, students will be instructed to turn to their immediate peers and discuss why people keep pets, and what are some advantages and disadvantages of doing so. Let this progress for a couple minutes and have the class share some ideas.

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

Students will be shown 3 more sentences on the WB or through PP. Once again will turn to a partner and discuss whether they think these statements are true or false. Will have some students share with the group but remain non-committal as to the correctness of the answers. At this point, the reading material will be distributed, and the students will be given a time limit of 45s. After which students can discuss with their partners about anything they got wrong, and the answers will be taken up as a class (asking for justification of their answers).

Test Prior knowledge of useful Language (3-5 minutes) • To ensure students are capable of making comparisons about appearance and personality

Ask the students what they think of the man and his bird? Ask them to describe the pair in groups? Do they look alike? If yes, how? Has he owned his bird for a long time? What do you think their personalities are? Have the students brainstorm together, then draw a mind map on the board. Elicit sample sentences for descriptions.

Clarification (if necessary) (6-8 minutes) • Provide functional language if brainstorming failed to prove prior knowledge

Provide students with a HO illustrating some examples of comparisons. Students can work through the gap fill individually, then check in pairs before checking against the answer key. These sentences can be used as a basic framework for the later speaking tasks.

Flextime activity (5-10 minutes) • Get students to practice pronunciation of the reading text, reinforce reading quickly

Running dictation game using the text. Add a kinaesthetic component to the class and practice reading and speaking. Use if class is running fast, or students look like they need a change.

Productive Task(s) (10-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Students are given a HO of the slide "People who look like animals". They are partnered and asked to explain to each other which person is most like which animal and why (referring to appearance and personaliy). After partners can agree on one set, partners will be absorbed into groups, and the process repeated. Again, students will merge into two halves of the class, and finally a whole class discussion will review the reasons why people chose their respective pair.

Productive Task 2 (Flex-time activity) (5-10 minutes) • To continue students discussing comparisons

Students will be partnered and asked to talk about someone they know with a pet. They are to explain why their friend is either similar or disimilar to their pet to their partner. Groups can be shuffled to maintain some variety here. Finishing with classwide discussion so students can share their answers

Feedback and Error Correction (4-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

On WB example sentences with errors will be diagramed (that were overheard from the discussions). Students will be asked to identify if the sentences are correct, and invited to help correct their peers' grammar and or pronunciation.

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