shajeel shajeel

What do I do next?
B1 + Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will begin with a short discussion on about different types of games, which they have played. For gist a matching activity will be given, followed by listening activity for the target language and a gap fill activity for detailed understanding of the use of language. In the end speaking activity for every one to practice the learnt language.


Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of games

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed listening practice using a text about asking for help and and explaining in the context of games


Warmer/lead in (6-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and develop their interest by personalizing.

-T will chest pictures of different types of games on the W/B and try to elicit the names from the students. -T will then will pair the Ss up and ask them to discuss the following questions: what type of games you have played? what types of games you would like to play? - Ss will be asked to talk to their pairs and come up with names of different card games, outdoor games, board games or puzzles, which they might have played before. FB: Then will ask a couple of pairs, what they just discussed.

Pre-listening & speaking (4-5 minutes) • To make them understand the basic instructions of how to play Mahjong

- Show them the HO and tell them that they need to match the pictures with the given instructions. -Distribute the HO and ask them to finish in about 1-2 minutes. -After the given time frame, ask the students to discuss the answers in pairs. FB: Ask if anyone has any issues in understanding. If yes, then ask some other pair or student to help them.

Listening to the instructions (7-8 minutes) • To make students understand, who needs help and who is helping.

-T will write the following questions on the board and pair the Ss up. Then ask them to listen to the recording 2.9 and answer the questions : 1. Do they both know how to play? 2. Who knows how to play, Jen or Liu Ying? How do you know? 3. How do you win the game? FB: If the Ss are able to answer reasonably then ask them to read the conversation to check.

Listening for detail (5-7 minutes) • To introduce the TL required for speaking.

-T asks Ss to look at the highlighted expressions in the conversation and write them below the appropriate category on the HO 1, working individually. -Then T will ask the Ss to check their answers in pairs. - T will then play the recording 2.10 for the Ss to verify their answers.

Useful Language (3-5 minutes) • Language which also may be required for the productive tasks

- T will show the HO 2 to the class and explain that they need to fill in the gaps using the given expressions. - Then pair them up and distribute the HO 2. - Ask them to check with them to unfold the HO and verify their answers from the key. FB: T will ask a few Ss the questions and check if any issues still persist.

Productive Freer Speaking (10-12 minutes) • To give Ss a chance to speak freely using the language they've learned

- T will inquire from the Ss if they've ever played the card game called 'bluff'. Then will explain the rules of the game to them. - Then will ask everyone to stand up and talk to each other telling about the game they like to play and explain it's rules. Give them ample time to mingle and express themselves freely for four to five minutes. FB: Ask a few questions about the different games they came up with and which (if any) is the game everyone likes, unanimously.

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